Awaken Body - Health & Wellness

by Sally Kemptom: The Indian deity Parvati is surprisingly relevant to anyone looking to balance...

Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in...

by Adam Brady: Turbulence. Chaos. Frustration. These words may describe your days…


by Melissa Eisler: Looking to simultaneously relax and energize your mind and body? Your answer...

by Chad Foreman: Intellectualising Meditation…


by Donna Quesada: I sat on the wooden deck outside my kitchen, with Marcel on...

Have you ever heard of the Harvard study that ran for 75 years to assess...

by Swami Krishnananda: Idealism of Yoga….


What is a Nervous System?


by Emma: Ever wonder about the benefits of yoga?


by Chantal Pierrat Sometimes I feel torn between wanting to disconnect from the media and...

by Pierre Pradervandost: In one of the powerful passages on oneness in world spiritual literature…
