Awaken Mind - Mindfulness & Meditation

Donna Quesada shares the relationship between our “heart brain” and our experience of time, along...

by Amateo Ra: Since the beginning of our lives, our minds have been programmed by...

Mooji: No sadhana, no spiritual practice for you. You have the easy way out; you...

Ommm. It’s often the first and last sound in your ears in a yoga class....

By Ed and Deb Shapiro: The saying goes that when the Buddha was confronted with...

by Bill Scheffel: This is the second of five periodic articles reviewing some of the...

Donna Quesada shares a simple, yet effective meditation to regulate the breathing and strengthen the...

by Karen Maezen Miller: Counting breaths—the simplest of mindfulness practices—took Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Marianne Williamson an uplifting and inspirational speaker and author of...

by Donna Quesada: Kundalini yoga teacher and writer Donna Quesada recently attended The 21 Stages...

1. “There’s a reason you can learn from everything: you have basic wisdom, basic intelligence,...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: What is it that can make us shake, can make...