Articles for: Donna Quesada

Donna Quesada: Guru Meher, I’d like to start out by thanking you for your time....

Donna Quesada: So, it’s almost like using that time to create a new habit? The...

Donna Quesada: Ora, what is your background? Do you consider this a spiritual or part...

Donna Quesada: Hi Ora. Ora Nadrich: Hi Donna.


Donna Quesada: So much of spiritual practice is about dropping the searching, and by extension,...

Donna Quesada: So it’s a kind of a spaciousness, a distance to where you’re able...

Donna Quesada: Well, Gangaji, the first thing I want to say is, thank you! Thank...

by Donna Quesada: The Three Minds—


GURU SINGH: It’s exactly like money. Ego is what ego does. Money is what money...

Donna Quesada: So there’s this interplay between doing and letting. Doing and letting go.


Donna Quesada: Sat Nam, Guru Singh! Guru Singh: Sat Nam! How are you?


Donna Quesada: Oh, this person is awakened or this person is a spiritual teacher…everything is...

Donna Quesada: You’ve written so extensively about the subject of awakening…what led you to this...

Donna Quesada: Lovely. Well, I watched your Ted Talk, and I loved it, of course....

Donna Quesada: Now, I want to go a little deeper. I find this so fascinating...

Donna Quesada: Well, Sharon, I want to thank you for spending this hour with us…...

by Donna Quesada: Japan and the Emergence of Death Poetry—


by Donna Quesada: I confess that I have had the thought that presence is boring…...

by Donna Quesada: Deacon Blues Chorus—


Awaken: Thank you for spending this time with us. There’s so much discontent and divide...

Donna Quesada: I guess I have two questions. Why isn’t this stuff taught in our...

Donna Quesada: So, breaking away from the tribe? Caroline Myss: But you have to understand...

Donna Quesada: Hi Caroline, thank you again for sharing your time with us and the...

by Donna Quesada: Jesus is Universal—
