by Peter Diamandis: Probably the most important precaution (and treatment) each of us must take...
Make sure your diet meets the recommended mineral targets…
...According to a study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, dancing can...
by John Foreman: It’s no secret that modern life can be stressful.. Naveen Jain: Hardly a day goes by without a research study or article published...
by George Nicholas: When it supports their claims, Western scientists value what Traditional Knowledge has...
by Dr John Buhn: Do the national exercise guidelines need a change? Gaia Vince: When Maria Vrind, a former gymnast from Volendam in the Netherlands, found...
by Brian Handwerk: Human noses are especially attuned to picking up odors in bananas, urine...
by Alena Hall: The Earth may not be flat nor is it the center of...
by Michael Bond: Sarah Shourd’s mind began to slip after about two months into her...
by Susan Pinker: The Italian island of Sardinia has more than six times as many...
**Please be advised that you should properly research how to fast if it’s something you...
by Dr. Kirby Surprise: Snchronistic events (SE) are those uncanny coincidences in which the environment...
by Anna LeMind: Dolphins are one of the most amazing and intelligent animal species on...
by Coral Davenport: In 1997, Al Gore, then the vice president of the United States,...
Former Vice President Al Gore joins Bill to discuss his latest documentary and call to...
In his latest TED talk, Al Gore, founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project,...
by Russell Brand: Environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore joins me to discuss his...
They say the eyes are a window to the soul, but they can also be...
By Marilyn Gordon: When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you...
by Michael Forrester: With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of...
by Abigail Wise: From the 2,500-mile Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail to the colorful RAGBRAI across...