Make sure your diet meets the recommended mineral targets…

Gold, silver, and platinum get all the attention as the world’s most precious metals. But they’re more precious for the global economy than for human health. Instead, other metals and minerals (metals are one type of mineral) are more important for our health (see “What essential metals do for us”). Indeed, some of them are so important that we can’t live without them. “Each one plays a role in hundreds of body functions. It may take just a very small quantity of a particular mineral, but having too much or too little can upset a delicate balance in the body,” says Dr. Bruce Bistrian, chief of clinical nutrition at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
What essential metals do for usMany metals are used to make strong and durable everyday objects, like copper pipes or iron skillets. But they don’t form such strong and durable objects in our bodies. Instead, many essential metals are needed to activate enzymes — molecules with important jobs in the body. And metals have many other essential roles as well. For example: