Articles for: Spirit

by Terence Loose: Say the name “Elvis” and you probably envision the tender-eyed, sequin-wearing King...

by Georgina Cannon: In relationships, career and personally…


by Karen Roy: We have often heard the term “it’s a dog’s life.” But what...

by Pat McCabe: The meeting of Masculine and Feminine Activism…


by Azriel ReShel: Surrender Your Stress…


by Alexandra Stockwell: “Good relationships are all about compromise.” “If you want a great relationship,...

by Marco Antonio: Some spiritual communities recognize seven chakras…


by Alan Lightman: In 2016, the Harvard biologist emeritus and naturalist E.O. Wilson (TED Talk:...

Love is all embracing and it expresses itself only in freedom


According to a study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, dancing can...

by Elisha Goldstein: Through routine meditation, we can better cope with everyday stressors:


by Sara Childre: Increasing numbers of people are commenting about a heightened attunement in their...

“In Buddhism, the word ’emptiness’ is a translation of the Sanskrit sunyata…


If you’re just starting to explore the wonderful world of yoga…


by John Foreman: It’s no secret that modern life can be stressful..


by Cassie Shortsleeve: Finding Your Favorite Meditation Practice…


by Jessica Minah: Last week, I visited the webpage of a coaching school someone I...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The secret of happiness from St. Francis of Assisi…


by Arjun Walia: It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that...

by Kingsley L. Dennis: Let’s be honest on the matter…


by Roshi Joan Halifax: I began practicing with Roshi Bernie Glassman and Jishu Angyo Holmes...

by Melissa Eisler: Spring is the best time of year for out with the old...

Yoga promotes physical health in multiple different ways…


by Guy Finley: Has there ever been a time in your life…
