Articles for: Yoga Poses

by Nicole Vahlkamp: We all know yoga postures affect our body, but did you ever...

by Rachel Land: and why personalized alignment matters more than ideals…


by Tatiana Sokolova: It wasn’t until I left a stressful career in video production in...

by Courtney Reed: Sun Salutations are a sequence of yoga poses strung together in a...

In Sanskrit “Bharadvaj” is one of the seven legendary seers and “asana”, meanining is “pose”…


by Himanshu Joshi: In Sanskrit “Supta” means “Lying down” or “Reclining”, and “Vajra” means “Iron...

In today’s nonstop world, we’re all guilty of putting too much pressure on our bodies…


Good balance is essential for everyone. It helps keep you from falling. And, allows you...

by Lena Schmidt: Stand up straight! Don’t slouch!
