- “Being part of a uninverse that is constantly changing and evolving, does it even sound reasonable that one is looking for absolutes.”
- “Love is a natural expression of the intelligent mind & intelligent action is a natural outcome of Love.”
- “Living on a planet that accommodates all, it doesn’t make sense that some of us cannot even accommodate another’s point of view.”
- “Awareness is the enemy of habit.”
- “We need a mind that is spacious in order to love. Such a spacious mind is possible, only if one chooses to live a life of mind fullness.”
- “Between the conformist & the non conformist, I would say the non conformist is a better bet for a new world that requires a new thinking.”
- “Inner conflict exists only in resistance to the truth of what u actually are.”
- “True unity is in realizing that all views are equally true and equally extraordinary.”
- “There is a place for all in this world. There is no need to feel insecure about another’s point of view. The beauty is in diversity.”
- “The more you learn the more clear it becomes to you that learning is nothing but a process of unlearning, its challenging but empowering too.”
- “I believe a radical transformation in one’s thinking is a must if we are looking for a radical transformation in one’s actions.”
- “If our thinking is founded on the assumption “I am separate from the other,” then there will be division at every level.”
- “Some of the concepts that i would enquire, to check their relevance or irrelevance to our life; god,purpose,destiny,afterlife,ultimate truth.”
- “No idea is absolute & that includes the idea of “God” as well. any idea, if believed to b absolute could be more binding than liberating.”
- “Suffering does not happen by chance nor is it the work of fate, it is a result of our own thinking processes.”
- “I believe it’s our (HUMANKIND’s) obsession with permanence that has enslaved us to so many religious & spiritual beliefs.”
- “I believe that a truly happy person needs very little education on how to love another.”
- “The result of Life education is learning to live a life of awareness, awareness from which right action is born.”
- “Conflict and guilt are habits in the human mind and these habits can be broken through conscious attention.”
- “I do believe that suffering could be an opportunity for growth but to say suffering is the only way for growth, doesn’t make any sense.”
- “Moral Education tells us what thoughts to think & what not to think, what emotions to feel & what not to feel.”
- “Why is it so difficult for us to observe our mind without feeling threatened by it’s contents?”
- “If our actions have to change then our thinking has to change and for this to happen one has to become aware of one’s existing thinking process and its foundations.”
- Awareness is love. Awareness is joy. Awareness is peace. Awareness is freedom. Awareness is God.
- “No reason is a good enough reason or a valid reason for suffering. Inner misery is always a choice & one can choose to b free of it.”