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5 Things to Avoid If You Want To Get Your Body Alkaline

by Jenny Hills: I have written before about the importance of maintaining an alkaline body and on how to balance your PH…



Acidic environment equals inflammation. Over time, low pH leads to the development of many diseases. Most cancers and chronic diseases thrive in an acidic environment.

Naturopath Ann Boroch is one of many who recommend switching to a more alkaline diet (see video at the end of my article). She points out that the five things we should all avoid (or reduce as much as possible) in order to keep our bodies within the optimal pH range (between 7.0 and 7.4) are:

  • Excessive consumption of red meat
  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Stress

She claims that all these turn your body acidic and make it inflamed. So you need to become more alkaline again. You can do this by eating foods that will bring you back to balance. The changes don’t need to be as complex as some might think. Boroch emphasizes that little can go a long way.

Basic dietary changes you can make to get your body more alkaline and healthy

  • Eat more vegetables. Your diet should consist of 60% vegetables. That doesn’t necessarily mean eating raw vegetables. Your food can be cooked. In fact, some people’s digestive tracts can’t handle just raw food.
  • Dark leafy greens are particularly praised for their alkalizing potential. Juice, steam, sauté them – whatever works for you. You can also detox your body using these 8 leafy greens.
  • Don’t eat junk food and processed foods. You must avoid these top 5 cancer causing foods and these top 10 worst fake foods.
  • Get a dose of raw apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning. Mix a tablespoon with some water. Or, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with some warm water, and drink that every morning.
  • Eat alkalizing fruits such as berries. Berries have AMAZING health benefits and you can read about them my e-book The Healing Berry Guide where you can find more information about the healing powers of berries and on how to use them to transform your health.
  • Boroch doesn’t believe you should be drinking alkaline water all day long. After all, we need acid to break down the food.

Reduce your stress

The next thing you should look at is your stress. You need to manage your stress levels. Some simple breathing exercise can do the trick. You can also look at some other relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, emotional freedom technique (EFT), to name a few.

You can reduce your stress by using these 7 simple and effective meditation techniques or you can use my natural remedies for stress and anxiety. You can also try this 20 minute yoga class for beginners.

The link between candida and cancer

Candida is very widespread due to the imbalanced lives we lead. Antibiotics and steroids are taken routinely, and everyone is overly stressed. All these factors contribute to candida overgrowth.

Many times, candida goes undetected for a long time and weakens the immune system. Compromised immune system leads to genetic mutations. Some experts now believe that fungus is actually a form cancer, and that the two go hand in hand. Doug Kaufmann has written and lectured about the ‘fungal theory of disease’, in which he explains the role fungi has in disease development. Fungi should not be ignored, as they might be the key to solving many health issues.

Brooch herself believes that there is a strong connection between cancer and candida overgrowth. If you have candida, that is a clear signal your body is over-acidic. Often, anti-candida regimen helps with cancer treatment – it promotes the alkalinity in which cancer cells can’t survive.

You can read my article about candida to discover the top signs you have candida infection and what to do about it.

Going alkaline seems a very wise choice that will promote your health and help you stay in balance. Detox is another way to eliminate toxins out of your body and you can discover the most effective natural methods to detox your body in my e-book:The Detox Guide.

Source: Healthy And Natural World


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