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Toltec Becoming a Man or Woman of Power

“Everything we do, everything we are, rests on our personal power…toltec-temple-ruins-in-tula-mexico-photo-awaken

If we don’t have enough personal power the most magnificent piece of wisdom can be revealed to us and it won’t make a damn bit of difference.” Don Juan speaking to Carlos Castaneda

The importance of personal power is often misunderstood or undervalued on a spiritual path. Toltec Wisdom acknowledges this and much emphasis is placed upon stalking power?  It is not an exaggeration to say that much of the suffering and difficulties people have in life is directly due to a lack of personal power.

One common misperception people have is that power means that a person will harm others or be used for no good. It is true that power can corrupt when used by the ego, or what Toltecs call human form. Here I am defining ego as that which promotes separateness from others and exclusiveness, instead of connectedness and inclusiveness. However, the same thing is true with many things in life. Money, for example, can be used for good, altruistic purposes, or for not so good things. Both money and power have been abused throughout history.

However, just because something can be used for both positive and negative things, you don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. A man or woman of power has the ability to benefit the world and other humans. A person with little power will not have the same ability. The same is true for benefiting oneself.

Human beings have the capability to manifest and create their reality, for example. Many speak of using laws like the Law of Attraction to manifest what one desires. While this law is true, without personal power ones ability to manifest will be limited. A man or woman of power is able to create a life full of love and abundance for themselves, and their family. Many times the reason why a person suffers lack is because they lack personal power.

It is often said that a spiritual path is the most difficult thing you will ever do. Because of this it takes an incredible amount of personal power to walk it. Whether it is in your spiritual pursuits or in living a fulfilling life full of love and abundance, the more empowerment you have, the greater will your capability to achieve what you desire.

Source: Toltec Wisdom School


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