by Serene Martin: When I stopped believing in luck, I was no longer a victim of circumstance…
When I started looking for ways to celebrate each day no matter what happened, I was no longer trapped in my past memories
When I tried to transform the anger and fear I carried in my heart to acceptance and love, I began to breathe more easily
When I chose to eat clean, my body began to heal itself
When I followed my heart, making the right decisions came easily to me
When I accepted that everyone is on their own path no matter how much I may disagree with them, my own path lit up more clearly for me beneath my feet
When I gave up dwelling on things I could not change, more things started changing for me
When I chose to believe that all the right resources will show up for me when I needed them, they did
When I released the things that I no longer needed in life, I gained the experiences that I desired instead
When I believed with all my heart that the same force of life, which breathed life into me, was on my side, it empowered and protected me wherever I went.
When I was no longer ashamed to cry, my spirit was refreshed and cleansed by my tears
When I laughed at my mistakes instead of condemning myself for them, I learned from my mistakes more quickly
When I gave up making excuses for not being able to do things I wanted to do, time stood still so that I could pursue them
When I became selfish enough to be responsible for my own happiness, I stopped blaming the world for my misery
When I saw the world as an abundant place with a heart of gratitude, it started showing me how it could provide for me in ways I could not necessarily understand.
When I realised the answer was I, I started to change
Serene Martin is a transformational life coach, author and yoga instructor who coaches people from all over the world desiring breakthroughs in various aspects of their lives. Through a blend of practical and metaphysical strategies, Serene helps you unlock the potential you already have and lift you towards the greatest version of yourself.