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What If You Could Talk To Plants? – Dr Nikki Star Noce

by Dr. Nikki Star Noce: Plants are intelligent beings too…


Sometimes it’s hard to imagine this because they operate much differently than we humans do. Their structure, function and make up are so different from ours and animals that is can be hard for many people to empathize with them.

All the organisms of the Earth, including plants, have a specific function–all diversity of species is important. The most commonly known function of trees is that they produce the air we breathe (quite an important task), and they also “do” much more.

If you pay close attention, you can even observe how plants move in order to be in contact with sunlight. This reveals that plants have some type of nervous system that allows them to respond to the environment. Though obviously much different than our, nonetheless plants have a system that helps them “feel” too.

Perhaps plants have something to teach us. Could we open our minds and senses and humble ourselves enough to learn from other kinds of creatures much different from us?

In my opinion it is important to honor all life–both the animals and the plants we humans consume as food. When we cut a piece of lettuce from a plant, how can we be sure they don’t feel it as pain? Because they can’t scream? The only way to be sure we don’t harm a plant is to eat the fruit that falls naturally as it ripens without having to pick any.

One of the reasons I was so drawn to Damanhur Community is that they live a connected life in a way that honors the plant world too. With over 40 years of research, they have great evidence in favor of the intelligence of plants.

They’ve developed a technology called Music of the Plants, which utilizes a similar technology to the lie detector test. With this machine they are able to record the dynamic “feelings” of plants. When this device is connected to the roots and leaves of a plant, spontaneous music will play from machine in response to what is happening in the environment around.

I’ve heard stories in the community where they connected a plant to an electronic skateboard using similar technology as described above, and they found the plant moved the skateboard to different parts of the room in order to bask in sunlight throughout the day.

Treehouse Weekend Retreat

Again using similar technology, they placed a plant on a windowsill next to the front door of the house connected to a device that allowed the plant to open and close the front door. Depending on who was at the front door the plant could choose to open the door or not. This created laughs in the home because the plant, just like us humans do, showed favoritism over letting some people into the house over others.

More and more research and evidence is becoming available around the world. Recently, a book was published about the Secret Life of Plants. Though I haven’t read it, I imagine this publication also helps us to see that plants indeed are intelligent beings.

You don’t have to believe anything I’m saying. The best way to see if you can communicate with plants is to have your own experience. Many of us may need help in learning how to communicate with these beings because they are much different from us. And indeed these courses exist!

Nikki Starr and Zigola

This month I am hosting two events in California that do just this–teach you how to communicate with plants! Join Zigola Pioppo and I in Los Angeles for the two day Damanhur University Course September 24 and 25. And to dive deeper join us for a weekend Treehouse Retreat September 29-Octover 1 in Pine Mountain Club, California

Awaken Body

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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