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Quotes by Pir Vilayat Khan

  1. Sufism is the reconciliation of the irreconcilables.
  2. There are no limits to your being, only those you ascribe to yourself.
  3. Our thinking must be in harmony with the thinking of the universe to be valid.
  4. Shake your soul! Awaken it from slumber! The time has come to awaken to your divine being.
  5. There are no limits to your understanding, only those that are due to trying to understand with the mind.
  6. There is no limit to your light, except the dark shadows of the ego cast upon the sky which we call the self.
  7. Have the courage to face the light of your own being.
  8. When we give our creative being it’s proper place in our lives, we have a sense of meaningfulness and purposefulness. The moment we touch upon this well spring of life, a change takes place in our personality. That is the moment of breakthrough.
  9. If your heart is burning in the ecstasy of love, it will open the hearts of all beings.
  10. Sufis see the whole universe as the divine nostalgia for self-discovery.
  11. Perhaps the basic energy of the universe is not light, but ecstasy; light is ecstasy.
  12. We might be the leading edge in bringing about the purpose of the universe.
  13. We offer an obstacle to God’s experiencing fulfillment if we do not fully experience our own identity.
  14. In dealing with an ugly situation, one is creating circumstances to develop the divinity of one’s being.
  15. If love of God is beyond your grasp, then know that it is there in every act of love.
  16. How does one know if one’s intuition rings true? By one’s scruple about truthfulness, one develops a sense of authenticity.
  17. Do not pay attention to clues when you want to go by your intuition.
  18. Unless we awaken them, our capacities will always lie dormant.
  19. It’s a discipline of mind to see beauty in ugliness.
  20. The same pain that can blemish our personality can act as a creative force, burnishing it into an object of delight.
  21. The culmination of the soul’s journey of awakening is not just returning to its original state. Instead, it is how the soul has evolved through its passage on earth: what meaning has been extracted from its experiences; what archetypal qualities have unfolded as a result of the immense difficulties it has endured; and the unique way each soul’s unfoldment has contributed to the evolution of the Universe itself.
  22. I have tried, in all my teachings, to bring forth a message of light. I sincerely hope that it will help you in some way. Especially if you are going through a dark night of the soul, remember that it is because you are not aware of your own light—and it is light that will show you the way. And while I hope that some of the skills and meditations that I have presented will be helpful to you, they are useful only as a ladder in attaining the essential objective—awakening consciousness and conscience in everyday life.
  23. We think that the world is our prison – whereas the prison is our way of thinking and feeling.
  24. As we view our problems the the eyes of the Universe, or God, we come to realize that what we think is our problem alone is the suffering of existence that is shared by everyone. It is as if we have been participating in the drama of the Universe – yet all we have been able to think is “Why is this happening to me?”
  25. We cannot free ourselves from our identification with our individual self unless we open ourselves to the infinite dimension of the power of the sacred.
  26. Spiritual awakening is shifting from one perspective to another, until we finally glimpse meaningfulness where our mind could not perceive it before. The higher and broader the perspective, the more inclusive it is.
  27. The consequence of linking one’s thinking and awareness with the thinking and awareness of the Universe is that it brings about a dramatic change in how we see life – jumpstarting individuals out of the limitations of their narrow thinking patterns that continue round and round in the usual deep ruts.
  28. Every time you confront a specific challenge or problem in life by contemplating what it is that the Universe is asking from you in response – whether it is cultivating the quality of forgiveness, for example, or wisdom, truth, or courage – it is as if you have declared your wish to be of service to the Universe by actuating one of its Divine Qualities in your being.
  29. Training oneself to see from the Divine point of view is key to understanding the essence of Sufism: it is the “global compass” that offsets the personal vantage point, the “true north” orienting one’s direction in life. That is why Sufis aim at downplaying their personal view in order to espy the Divine point of view.
  30. See yourself in the cosmos, not just on planet Earth, but thinking that you have landed on planet Earth, and you belong to other spheres. Think the whole universe, the consciousness of the universe, has converged as your consciousness, and focused itself, and shifted its consciousness in such a way that it is aware of the physical nature of a many-tiered universe of which this existential world is just a cross section. It had to focus itself in a certain way in order to be able to highlight that particular slice of the universe that we call the existential world.

Source: AWAKEN


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