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Quotes by Swami Satchidananda

  1. “In not only the physical science, but in the real mental silence, the wisdom dawns.”
  2. “Know for sure that peace is worth more than anything else in this world.”
  3. “Happiness is not be sought outside. It can never come from outside or from inside–because it simply is. It is always. Where? Everywhere.”
  4. “It’s very simple. Keep your body as clean as possible, your mind as clear as possible. That’s all you need. And do it in anyway you can, in your own way. It doesn’t matter. That’s why I say ‘peaceful body, peaceful mind’. And then you’ll be useful. You don’t have to become a useful person. You will be useful.”
  5. “The purification of the mind is very necessary.”
  6. “Mere philosophy will not satisfy us. We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone. Without practice, nothing can be achieved.”
  7. “You are not given the light by anyone—not even by a spiritual teacher. You are that light.”
  8. “God knows your breaking point. You simply don’t know your own strength.”
  9. “Temples and churches have become social centers. They have lost their original purpose because the minds of the people are more attracted to worldly things than to prayer. The lips repeat the prayer mechanically like a phonograph record, but the mind wanders to other places.”
  10. “The cause of bandha and moksha (bondage and liberation) is our own minds. If we think we are bound, we are bound. If we think we are liberated, we are liberated. . . . It is only when we transcend the mind that we are free from all these troubles.”
  11. “If we only look within, we will see he Light as if we were seeing our own image in a mirror.”
  12. “… just do, leave it there, if it comes let it come, but don’t look for it.”
  13. “Truth is the same always. Whoever ponders it will get the same answer. Buddha got it. Patanjali got it. Jesus got it. Mohammed got it. The answer is the same, but the method of working it out may vary this way or that.”
  14. “When even one virtue becomes our nature, the mind becomes clean and tranquil. Then there is no need to practice meditation; we will automatically be meditating always.”
  15. If your heart is beautiful, your face will be beautiful, your life will be beautiful, everything will be beautiful.
  16. “There’s no value in digging shallow wells in a hundred places. Decide on one place and dig deep. Even if you encounter a rock, use dynamite and keep going down. If you leave that to dig another well, all the first effort is wasted and there is no proof you won’t hit rock again.”
  17. “When even one virtue becomes our nature, the mind becomes clean and tranquil. Then there is no need to practice meditation; we will automatically be meditating always.”
  18. “There is no lasting bliss in perishable objects. In the infinite alone is true bliss.”
  19. “We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing?”
  20. “At various points in our lives, or on a quest, and for reasons that often remain obscure, we are driven to make decisions which prove with hindsight to be loaded with meaning.”
  21. “If you have done something meritorious, you experience pleasure and happiness; if wrong things, suffering. A happy or unhappy life is your own creation. Nobody else is responsible. If you remember this, you won’t find fault with anybody. You are your own best friend as well as your worst enemy.”
  22. “When you win and the other fellow loses, what do you see? A losing face. There is great joy in losing and making the other person win and have a happy face. Who will be the happiest person? The one who brings happiness to others.”
  23. “Some people might think that by practicing Yoga you’re running away from the world and are not going to enjoy anything. But yogis are the people who are going to enjoy everything. Because when you’re the master of your life, you’re not controlled by anything and you can enjoy everything. This is the aim of Yoga.”
  24. “The light is within. It is already there. Take your time to see it.”
  25. “Begin with little things daily and one day you will be doing things that months back you would have thought impossible.”
  26. “Realization can dawn with the smallest thing. It doesn’t have to be a big blow. That trifling thing is what you call the final straw. Wisdom dawns that way.”
  27. “My teacher always said, if you get high, you have to get low. He suggested getting off the pendulum, and living in balance – that’s Yoga.”

Source: AWAKEN


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