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Unity, Oneness, And The Power Of Cooperation And Mutual Support

by Sandra Ingerman: Every once in awhile while I am meditating or in a quiet space, I get these messages that can be quite unusual, but seem to touch me on a deep level…


One night I was in a silent and peaceful place. Of course the news of the Covid and what is happening politically and environmentally is always around me. I can escape from all news, but I do want to stay informed so I can remain relevant in my teaching.

I was reflecting on Covid mutations and viruses in general. I have taught for over 20 years, in my Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light workshops, that viruses are more intelligent than humankind, and we have to learn how to have more passion for life as a good defense against viruses. I wrote a bit about this to start our New Year.

When we look at how humans are behaving now and throughout history our egos simply don’t accept the principle of unity and the human mind creates fractures in our own health, but it really creates fractures among humans. And humans have not been at peace with each other as our egos are into power over, not unity and finding peace and harmony. We seem to fight about everything and always have.

At a time on the planet when the health of all life depends on humans coming together in unity, the division is growing stronger daily.

But the Covid mutations work together. The virus creates mutations which helps it survive and only grow stronger.  Viruses don’t fight about what color they are and if they agree with political policies. They work together and thrive.

We have been dividing more and more over the years even before the Covid arrived. And I do believe the Covid arrived as a teacher. I truly believe the Covid was brought to us by the power of the universe to be a teacher in learning about unity, oneness, and the power of cooperation and mutual support.

I know it sounds crazy. But think about!

March 20 we welcome in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Such sacred times of change to honor. Just like life never stands still for us, nature is always changing. We are nature beings, and we are impacted by every shift in nature’s cycles – the changes in the moon, the seasons, the stars in the night sky. But we don’t always acknowledge that we are at one with these changes as everything changing in nature is creating a similar change in us too.

As the seasons change and the moon progresses through her phases take time to stand outside. Let the sun bathe you during the day and take a moon bath at night. Feel the radiance of these life-giving forces bathing and healing you. This is such a powerful and simple ceremony you can perform alone or with a group.

On the equinox spend time in nature. You can write a poem about the exquisite healing quality of nature. You can put on some ceremonial clothes- something very simple like a scarf, or you can bring a small sacred rattle that you made out into nature. You can sit with your favorite tree and read a poem in a soft voice filled with loving words and acceptance of the new qualities the equinox is bringing into your life. Leave offerings at any tree you’re sitting at or any place you visited in nature while giving thanks to the compassionate ancestors of the land, earth, air, water, and fire, the sun, the moon, your helping spirits, and the earth itself for guiding you during the changing times so that you can harmonize with the changes within. And don’t forget to honor the spirit of the land where you live because you are one, and when the land and you develop a strong spiritual bond together the land will take care of you in ways beyond your imagination.

Walk ceremoniously while gazing at the changing leaves of the trees and plants. Notice how the texture, feel, and smell in the air seem different with the change in seasons. Listen to the new bird songs that emerge at this time of year. Watch the activity of the small animals in the park as they busily prepare for the season. Feel the heartbeat of the earth. Be inspired by the spiritual messages that the wind is carrying to you If you live by water notice how the tides and the quality of water changes during the change in seasons.

Through your ongoing ceremonial work you will step into a harmonious flow instead of feeling out of step and out of sync in life.

And don’t forget to give thanks for your life!!

The full moon is on March 18. This is a powerful time for all of us to appreciate life and the changes that the Earth is going through with the change in season. I feel that we have to step up our commitment to our spiritual practices. Dealing with the Covid and all the limitations it is bringing to our lives many people are moving into inertia. Fight the inertia and be an active participant in creating a new dream for life.

One way to do that is through performing ceremonies like we do on the full moon.

So let’s put our full intention and heart into the work this month and every month by joining our spiritual light together. Let’s feed the Earth and the collective with unconditional love and light.

If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read  Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage for instructions for our monthly ceremonies.

Translating the Transmutation News is a lot of work. Petr Němčanský has been translating the Transmutation News into the Czech language for years now, and it is now time for him to move on.

Please join me in gratitude to Petr Němčanský for translating the Transmutation News into Czech for many years now. His generosity of spirit is a tremendous gift!

And we welcome the new translator Veronika Kucharská who has volunteered to keep the translations going in the Czech language. It is great to have you as part of the team.

And I have not been diligent in reminding you about our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page. It is a wonderful way to be in service to our community by posting inspiring words stories, and images. Also I hope you are inspired by visiting the page and feeling uplifted. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”.

Please join me in wishing our circle a beautiful equinox filled with the power of love, hope, and optimism for new things to be born and to let go of what needs to be composted back to the earth. For this is what nature is doing right now.

Please join our circle in a simple but powerful journey to welcome in the equinox. I recorded a short session where you can show up with a drum, rattle, or other instrument to make some shamanic music with. You can even use two sticks to click together, or tap on a book, or create a rattle using stones or seeds and putting them in a bottle. By drumming, rattling, and making music together we will focus on asking the helping spirits to empower our circle and of course through this act be an active participant in radiating love to everyone in our group.

Awaken Indigenous

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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