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Quotes by Samuel Hahnemann

  1. “The physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed.”
  2. “I shall occupy myself here with the practical part of medicine only, with the healing art itself, in order to show how it is that diseases have hitherto been so imperfectly treated.”
  3. “Far beneath my notice is that mechanical routine of treating precious human life according to the prescription manuals, the continual publication of which shows, alas! how frequently they are still used.”
  4. “The orthodox school has witnessed for centuries that nature itself has never once cured any existing disease with another dissimilar one, however intense. What must we think of this school, which nevertheless has continued to treat chronic diseases allopathically, with medicines and formulas that can only cause a disease condition –God knows which –dissimilar to the one being treated? Even if these physicians have not hitherto observed nature attentively enough, the miserable results of their treatment should have taught them that they were on the wrong road.”
  5. “The weakening of the immune system creates as a result changes in the physical body which we call pathology.”
  6. “Physician are my brethren; I have nothing against them personally. The medical art is my subject.”
  7. “I have to inquire whether medicine as hitherto taught has, in all its parts, been merely developed out of the heads, the self-deception and the caprice of its professors, or whether it has been derived from nature.”
  8. “The symptomatic palliative mode of treatment directed towards a single symptom is to be rejected.”
  9. One might say, for example, that a patient has a kind of St Vitus’s dance; a kind of dropsy; a kind of nerve fever; a kind of ague. One would never say, however (to end once and for all the confusion of these names) “He has St. Vitus’s dance,” “He has nerve fever,” “He has dropsy,” “He has ague,” since there simply are not any fixed, unchanging diseases to be known by such names.”
  10. “Our art requires no political lever, no worldly decorations in order to become something. It grows gradually, at first unrecognized, surrounded as it were by all manner of weeds which luxuriate around it, from an insignificant acorn to a sapling, soon its summit will overtop the rank weeds. Patience! It is striking deep its roots into the earth, it is increasing in strength imperceptibly but all the more surely and will in its own time grow into an oak of God, which no longer is shaken by storms, spreads out its branches into all regions that suffering mankind may be healed under its beneficent shade.”
  11. “The vital force, I say, produces, in accordance with the laws of the constitution of the organism to which it is subject, a disease of a different sort, intended to expel the disease by which it was attacked.”
  12. “Homoeopathy sheds not a drop of blood, administers no emetics, purgatives, laxatives or diaphoretics, drives off no external affection by external means, prescribes no warm baths or medicated clysters, applies no Spanish flies or mustard plasters, no setons, no issues, excites no ptyalism, burns not with moxa or red-hot iron to the very bone, and so forth, but gives with its own hand its own preparations of simple uncompounded medicines, which it is accurately acquainted with, never subdues pain by opium, ..etc.”
  13. “For several centuries, a whole range of causes, which I could not begin to enumerate, have led to the downgrading of that divine science, clinical medicine, to the level of a wretched, money-grubbing exercise in the whitewashing of symptoms and a demeaning traffic in prescriptions, in fact, God forgive us, to a more mechanical trade in which Hippocrates is lost to sight amidst a rabble of charlatans.”
  14. “Fight like with like.”
  15. “That nature, whose self-help was alleged by the traditional school of medicine to be the incomparable healing art and the only thing worth imitating, is merely the individual nature of the organic man, is nothing but the instinctive, irrational, unreasoning vital force subject to the organic laws of our body.”
  16. “Thus homoeopathy is a perfectly simple system of medicine, remaining always fixed in its principles as in its practice, which, like the doctrine whereon it is based, if rightly apprehended will be found to be so exclusive (and only in that way serviceable), that as the doctrine must be accepted in its purity, so it must be purely practised.”
  17. “Every effective drug provokes in the human body a sort of disease of its own, and the stronger the drug, the more characteristic, and the more marked and more violent the disease. We should imitate nature, which sometimes cures a chronic affliction with another supervening disease, and prescribe for the illness we wish to cure, especially if chronic, a drug with power to provoke another, artificial disease, as similar as possible, and the former disease will be cured: fight like with like.”
  18. “In our time, which boasts such enlightened and deep-thinking souls, does it have to be so impossible to conceive of a nonmaterial dynamic force when we see around us every day so many phenomena that cannot be explained in any other way?”
  19. “Is it through taking substantial doses of an emetic to bring about anti-peristaltic movements in the stomach that we feel nausea at the sight of something sickening? Is it not exclusively the dynamic action of seeing something revolting upon our imagination? Do we need a lever or a visible material contraption to lift an arm? Is it not exclusively the nonmaterial dynamic force of the will which lifts it?”
  20. “Disease is a process starting with the weakening of the immune system eventually with physical pathology as a result.”
  21. “Physical pathology is therefore the result of the disease not the cause.”
  22. “As regards the latter (homoeopathy) it is quite otherwise. It can easily convince every reflecting person that the diseases of man are not caused by any substance, any acridity, that is to say, any disease-matter, but that they are solely spirit-like (dynamic) derangements of the spirit-like power (the vital force) that animates the human body.”
  23. “In the five years since the publication of the Second Edition, the truth of the homoeopathic healing art has found so much acceptance from physicians far and near, that it can no longer be obscured, still less extinguished, by abusive writings, of which, however, there is no lack.”
  24. “Even the most opposite and the most senseless modes of treatment find there their defence, their authority let their disastrous effects speak ever so loudly against them.”
  25. “That some misguided physicians who would wish to be considered homoeopathists, engraft some, to them more familiar, allopathic malpractices upon their nominally homoeopathic treatment, is owing to ignorance of the doctrine, laziness, contempt for suffering humanity, and ridiculous conceit.”
  26. “To render (through ignorance) if not fatal, at all events incurable, the vast majority (99/100) of all diseases, namely, those of a chronic character, by continually weakening and tormenting the debilitated patient, already suffering without that from his disease and by adding new destructive drug diseases, this clearly seems to be the unhallowed main business of the old school of medicine (allopathy) and a very easy it is when once one has become adept in this pernicious practice, and is sufficiently insensible to the stings of conscience!”
  27. “The employment of medicines whose symptoms have no actual (pathological) relation to the symptoms of the disease, but which act on the body in a different manner, is the allopathic method, which is to be rejected.”

Awaken Daily Quote

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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