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The Right Choices; How do you know when you make one?

by LOUISE L. HAY:  WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT opinions. You have the right to yours and I have the right to mine. Louise L. Hay Metaphysical councilor, teacher and healer, Louise L. Hay is regarded as one of the founders of the self-help movement.No matter what goes on in this world, the only thing you can work on is what is right for you. You have to get in touch with your inner guidance because it is the wisdom that knows the answer for you. It’s not easy to listen to yourself when your friends and family are telling you what to do. Yet, all the answers to all the questions you are ever going to ask are within you now.

Every time you say, “I don’t know,” you shut the door to your own inner wisdom. The messages you get from your Higher Self are positive and supportive of you. If you start getting negative messages, then you are working from ego and your human mind level, and even perhaps your imagination, although positive messages often come to us through our imagination and our dreams.

Support yourself by making the right choices for you. When in doubt, ask yourself, “Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me now?” You may make another decision at some later point, a day, a week, or a month later. But ask yourself these questions in each moment.

As we learn to love ourselves and trust our Higher Power, we become co-creators with the Infinite Spirit of a loving world. Our love for ourselves moves us from being victims to being winners. Our love for ourselves attracts wonderful experiences to us. Have you ever noticed that people who feel good about themselves are naturally attractive? They usually have a quality about them that is just wonderful. They are happy with their lives. Things come to them easily and effortlessly.

Who are you? What did you come here to learn? What did you come here to teach? We all have a unique purpose. We are more than our personalities, our problems, our fears, and our illnesses. We are far more than our bodies. We are all connected with everyone on the planet and with all of life. We are all spirit, light, energy, vibration, and love, and we all have the power to live our lives with purpose and meaning.


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