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8 Herbs That Calm Your Mind

by Nick Polizzi: Last year, I had the honor of sitting down with the godmother of American herbalism, Rosemary Gladstar, at her magical home in Vermont…


I have to admit, I was nervous going into this interview because she’s, well, one of my heroes

Today, I’d love to share a quick video from our encounter with you.

One of the questions I asked Rosemary was – what can we all do to overcome the stress and anxiety that seems to pervade our news and daily interactions these days? In other words, how do we keep ourselves peaceful, healthy and thriving in these chaotic times we find ourselves in?

Her answer blew us away…

Rosemary shares a handful of herbs that you can use to keep your body centered and at peace – including one slightly controversial plant if you’re feeling adventurous.

BUT, what struck us most about this segment was the deep wisdom that the legendary medicine woman bestowed upon us at the end. She gave us a dose of perspective that everyone should hear…

In case you missed any of the stress-healing herbs Rosemary mentions in the video above, here they are for further exploration:

Kava (a rising star for anxiety)
Lemon Balm
St John’s Wort

To find out more about her work, visit her here:

Awaken Diet and Nutrition

Awaken Body

Awaken Health & Wellness

Source: The Sacred Science


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