by Jacob Devaney: The importance of water in the Lakota Tradition…
Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Great Sioux Nation. He is a leading voice in the preservation of sacred sites across the planet and founder of World Peace and Prayer Day which happens every year on June 21. Arvol was also very involved in calling forth awareness and international collaboration in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and vocal about climate change issues. He speaks from the heart with a deep responsibility to the ancestors and love for the future generations. Below is his statement about the importance of water from his Lakota Tradition.
A Message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse
“We as caretakers of Turtle Island have always understood Great Spirit has blessed us with the water of life, Mni Wic’oni. We always knew it is the life-line to maintain health and well-being. For a few decades now, we have been told through our ceremonies that man has gone too far, disrupting many cycles of life. Through our passed down knowledge that still carry traditions of respect for the world in order to maintain balance and harmony, we still carry our ways to honor the four seasons upon Mother Earth. On March 21st, many People will be Welcoming the Thunders in ceremonies throughout Turtle Island. We also acknowledge another honoring for water around Mother Earth to unite and offer prayers on March 22nd, known as World Water Day.
We are asking to open your heart and minds to this time of crisis that is now upon us, threatening a healthy life for our future generations and also for the many spirit lives of the four legged, winged ones, those that crawl and that swim who depend on Mni Wic’oni, the water of life.
Those that know how strong spiritual energy is, understand water is the most essential life-line to survival. It is a ‘Source of Life’ that is so powerful, that when we offer our energy of prayers, it can change into medicinal healing, through united intentions. Even science finally found this out only recently. Water carries the Keeper’s energy and can change very fast. It can also bring death by not respecting its gift, especially when over abused as a Resource. It is time we wake up the World to stop abusing and destroying a gift of life – before it is too late.
In a sacred hoop of life, where there is no ending and no beginning.”
Onipiktec’a (that we shall live),