Awaken’s Review for Master Your Core

“A healthy person has a thousand wishes, but a sick person has only one” Indian Proverb
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 621

Glacier Peak Wilderness, Washington
Awaken Interviews Gandhi – Man’s Ultimate Aim Is The Realization Of God

Awaken: It is an honor to spend this time with you. I would like to start with the rather profound notion of what it means to awaken…
Confucian Analects – Part 1

Confucian Analects translated by James Legge (1893) The Master Confucius: “Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?
Start Your Day Right with Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson – best-selling author and spiritual philosopher – explains why taking time each morning
Sat Nam Beloved Sisters and Brothers

by David Welch: I just wanted to let the Awaken community know how important Guru Singh is to me, personally.
Marianne Williamson The Spiritual Journey From Suffering To Enlightenment

Marianne Williamson: Dear Friends, We all face times in our lives when the pain of existence seems too much to bear.
Dr. Valerie Hunt Proves the Existence of the Human Aura

Dr. Valerie Hunt Measures and Maps The Bio—Energy Field! Dr. Hunt’s work is a unique and groundbreaking contribution to our understanding of the energy field that surrounds and affect our minds and bodies.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 620

White Mountains, New Hampshire
Layers of Depth in Fundamental Wellbeing – Dr. Jeffery Martin

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: In addition to the various types of Fundamental Wellbeing represented as locations along a continuum,
Awaken Interviews George Gurdjieff – Everything Is Dependent On Everything Else, Everything Is Connected, Nothing Is Separate

“It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that the “I Am,” our real presence, can awaken. – George Gurdjieff
Awaken Interviews Byron Katie Pt 3 – Serving Humanity

Donna Quesada: And how do we find that balance between individually waking up, and the work that needs to be done, collectively?
What is Jnana Yoga? – Donna Quesada

by Donna Quesada: Most descriptions of Jnana Yoga say something like this:
The Power Of Ceremony – Sandra Ingerman

by Sandra Ingerman: We are living in a time where life is moving at such a fast pace we often forget what is important to us,
Awaken Interviews Arjuna Ardagh Pt 3 – Live Life On Your Terms And Values

Donna Quesada: You are referring to Neuro-linguistic Programming?
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 619

Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Texas
Awaken Interviews Byron Katie Pt 2 – I Am The Cause Of My Own Suffering

Donna Quesada: And it seems like it’s willingness in seeing your part in shaping the pattern that is in place.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 618

Discover the breathtaking beauty of Fainocle Gorge in Kishauv, New Mexico!
Awaken Interviews Byron Katie Pt 1 – Awakening Is The Absence Of Suffering

Donna Quesada: I would just like to say, welcome to Byron Katie and express how delighted I am on behalf of Awaken and also personally, to share this time with you today.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 617

Discover the breathtaking beauty of Fainocle Gorge in Kishauv, New Mexico!
Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance, and Grace – Caroline Myss

by Robin Fasano: Famed medical intuitive Caroline Myss shares guidance on navigating these tumultuous times.
The Art of Stopping Smoking, by Dr. Richard Bandler

An interview with NLP Life, reveals how Richard Bandler gave up smoking so easily.
Tools of Kundalini Yoga: Sat Kriya Variation To Merge with the Infinite –

Donna Quesada shares a variation of this powerful mantra meditation, called “Sat Kriya”
Awaken Interviews Bernie Siegel, M.D. Pt 3 – No Beginnings, No Endings. We are immortal!

Donna Quesada: That reminds me of a story I’m wondering if you can share. It’s about using language so as to reach people.