Yoga And Depression

We are all taught how to walk, run, we are provided formal education is school which develops our mind…
How Being A Control Freak Can Ruin Your Relationship

by Dina Blas: Are you always on guard, super attentive, and always the person in your relationship who has to be in charge?
Yoga For Sex: 5 Kundalini Yoga Kriyas For Blissful Sex

by Dr. Ramdesh: “I hear Kundalini Yoga is good for sex“…
Awaken Interviews David R. Hawkins – The Divinity of All That Is Silently Shines Forth

Awaken: David, I want to first thank you for so generously agreeing to spend this time with us today…
The Healing Gifts Of Silence – Deepak Chopra

by Deepak Chopra, M.D: On the spiritual path, silent mind is associated with inner peace, calm, and quiet…
4 Essential Books To Read Before Taking An Acid Trip

by Jason Louv: These four books on the psychedelic experience are essential, critical reading before going on an acid trip or other psychedelic voyage…!
Exercise Makes You Happier Than Money, Yale And Oxford Research Says

by Ruqayyah Moynihan: It’s clear exercise has health benefits both physical and mental. But what if we could show it was more important to your mental health than your economic status?
Mooji Answers: Awakening Does Not Require Remembering

In this very short, yet important video, Mooji starts out answering one question and ends up making a very, very important point about Awakening (Enlightenment). Listen carefully to what Mooji is saying…
The New Old People Are Going To Suck | Lachlan Patterson

Nobody wants to hear stories about your food blog, grandma…
A Deeper View Of Intuition

“As more of humanity practices heart-based living, it will qualify the ‘rite’ of passage into the next level of consciousness….
Broccoli: Is It Good for You? Nutrition Facts, Proven Health Benefits (Science Based)

by Jenny Hills: Broccoli is a healthy green cruciferous vegetable that is high in vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in calories…
R. D. Laing; Summary Of Important Concepts

Ronald D. Laing‘s work was centered on understanding and treating schizophrenic patients…
Barbara Mark Hubbard – Our Crisis Is The Birth For A New Humanity

By Barbara Mark Hubbard: Please visit to see Barbara’s upcoming courses and events…
How to Practice Creative Visualization – Gabby Bernstein

by Gabby Bernstein: For many years I had this story on repeat in my mind: “If I don’t do it, no one else will…”
What Is Cycling?

Cycling is an aerobic activity that helps improve your overall fitness level…
Leonard Jacobson Keys To Awakening

This is a recording of a live video webcast with spiritual teacher Leonard Jacobson, recorded on January 6, 2015…
Guru Singh at Yoga West (Video)

Guru Singh of Yoga West in L.A. shares his spiritual guidance and wisdom…
The Psychiatrist Who Wanted To Make Madness Normal

by Steven Brocklehurst: RD Laing was not only Scotland’s most famous psychiatrist but for a period in the 1960s he was one of the most famous therapists in the world…
The Power Of Cold Water

by Tony Robbins: Five surprising benefits of cold water immersion…
Conservation Group Buys Worlds Largest Privately Owned Giant Sequoia Forest For 15 Million

Alder Creek, the largest remaining privately owned giant sequoia property in the world, was “bought” by century-old conservation group Save the Redwoods League…
How To Reduce Food Waste To Combat Climate Change

by Erich Lawson: Food waste is a major problem staring at us today when billions of people are undernourished and many more go to bed, hungry…
Reclaiming Health Is About Changing Our Lives -Joan Borysenko

Joan Borysenko, medical scientist, psychologist and educator, possesses an unforgettable warmth…
Where Are We Going? – Jean Houston PhD

by Jean Houston PhD: Our bodies and minds are coded with an extraordinary array of possibilities and potentials…
What is Consciousness? – Sadhguru

by Sadhguru: A mystic’s perspective…