What Does ‘OM’ Mean?


by Jenn Dawson: Om, or Aum, is a popular sound, mantra, and vibration used during chanting and meditation…



by Allie Flavio: Pranayama is the fourth petal of the eight limbed yoga path…

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


The Yoga Sutras is one of the most important texts in Yoga and it addresses advanced practices and higher states of consciousness…

George Carlin On Soft Language


One of my favorite George Carlin bits in which he describes the sterilization of the American language. From the 1990 special Doin’ it Again…

Why People Become Overweight


Everyone knows some people who can eat ice cream, cake, and whatever else they want and still not gain weight. At the other extreme are people who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat…

Hatha Yoga


by Kaisa Kapanen: Hatha Yoga has almost become synonymous with asana practice,…

What Are The Benefits Of Kratom?


Kratom has many different healthy uses, and most of them have just been recently found out about. These health benefits can range from basic energy boosting to some more advanced benefits such as improving heart health…

Yoga Styles


by Emily Regan: Choosing a yoga style to practice can be a little overwhelming, especially when realizing exactly how many there are… 

Unconditional Love


by Sara and Doc Childre: Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love…