Consciousness – A conversation with Deepak Chopra MD and Stuart Hameroff (video)

Deepak Chopra MD: and Stuart Hameroff take an in-depth dive into the science of consciousness.
The Best Places To See The Northern Lights

by Jen Avery: The Northern Lights are one of nature’s most majestic artistic displays…
Edgar Cayce’s Nine Easy Steps To A Long Life

by Edgar Cayce: Living a longer and better life doesn’t have to be complicated…
A Few Great Moments With Pema Chödrön

by Brian Spielmann: Reflecting on Pema Chödrön’s 80th birthday, I thought I would share a few inspiring, heart-opening teachings…
Byron Katie It’s Not Reality That Makes Us Suffer; It’s Our Thoughts About Reality

by Byron Katie: Twenty-nine years ago, at the bottom of a 10-year fall into depression, rage, and self-loathing, I realized something amazing…
The Art of Goddess Worship

by Arjuna Ardagh: Modern Man’s Response to the Emergence of the Goddess…
Sex, Drugs and (mostly) Yoga: Field Notes from a Kundalini Awakening

by Susan Pryor: Kara-Leah Grant’s third book, Sex, Drugs and (mostly) Yoga: Field Notes from a Kundalini Awakening…
We Are Born Creative Geniuses And The Education System Dumbs Us Down, According To NASA Scientists

by Coert Engels: Our natural creative genius is stifled from the time we are born…
256 Year Old Chinese Herbalist Li Ching-Yuen and 15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases

by A.Ouyidir: The Herbalist Had 23 Wives and Raised More Than 200 Children…
Dreams -Bernie Siegel, MD

by Bernie Siegel, MD: There have been many dreams and experiences which have been personal guides for me and made me think about my life and actions and creation…
4 Ways Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your Mood

by Nicole Leatherman: If you find yourself feeling a little less happy go lucky—or, on the contrary, you have an extra skip in your step…
How To Stop Overthinking

by Nicole Leatherman: If you overthink, you’re not alone—you’re human…
Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk (Official Video) Ft. Bruno Mars

Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk (Official Video) Ft. Bruno Mars…
The Natural & Visionary Wonderland of Ayahuasca Art

by Alex K. Gearin, PhD: I have been told time and again by countless ayahuasca drinkers that the experience of ayahuasca is ultimately beyond words…
5 Different Types Of Spiritual Awakening

by Jon Darrell-Rew: One of the gifts of our globalised postmodern society is that we increasingly have access to all the different knowledge…
Quaker Silence

by Jenny Norris Green: “For, when I came into the silent assemblies of God’s people, I felt a secret power among them…
An Inconvenient Sequel: 10 Years On, Al Gore Continues to Fight Global Warming

by Katie Van Syckle: Some politicians retire with lucrative consulting jobs…
10 Magnificent Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Rumi.

by Rita Wehbe: “Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river—each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique, and not to be judged.” ~ Rumi
Tonglen: Radical Compassion – Tara Brach

by Tara Brach: We’ll be exploring the heart practice of compassion today…
A Zen Master Explains The Art Of ‘Letting Go’, And It Isn’t What You Think

Thich Naht Hanh, the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means to truly let go…
How Culture Makes Us Feel Lost – Dr. Gabor Maté On Finding Your True Self Again

Dr. Gabor Maté gives a beautiful speech on human nature and the implications culture has on our ability to maintain it…
3 Enlightening Ways To Improve Your Self-Awareness With Yoga

by Tarin Calmeyer: The most intriguing part of your yoga practice lies in the ever-changing state of both your body and mind…
Intelligent Trust – Arjuna Ardagh

by Arjuna Ardagh: At a time of uncertainty and great concern for the future…
An Interview with H.L. Poonjaji – Catherine Ingram

by Catherine Ingram: After years of wandering, this contemporary Indian sage is now attracting hundreds of Western seekers to his residence in Luck now…