Anahata Chakra


Kaisa Kapanen: Anahata chakra, the Heart Chakra, is located at heart level in your chest…

Manipura Chakra


Your Manipura chakra is located a few inches above your navel, and represents who you are…

Svadhisthana Chakra


by Kaisa Kapanen: The second chakra, also called the Sacral Chakra is related to creativity and it governs the emotional and sensual parts of our lives…

Muladhara Chakra


Chakras, the spinning wheels of energy within, were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts…

Jivamukti Yoga


by Emily Regan: Jivamukti yoga is a style of yoga created in 1984 by David Life and Sharon Gannon…

Do Men And Women Really Have Different Personalities


by Christian Jarrett: Personality profiles appear to reveal consistent (if subtle) differences between men and women – but are they meaningful? Christian Jarrett untangles a knotty and controversial question…

10 Myths About Yoga


by Lauren Cap: Yoga has increased in popularity over the past 15 years and continues to grow globally…

Bikram – Hot Yoga


by Emily Regan: Bikram Yoga is a style of yoga popularized in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury…