Top 10 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions (and How to Follow Through on Them)
by Brad Zomick: Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change…
Resolutions vs. Intentions: A New Ritual For The New Year
by Jillian Pransky: New Year’s is often a time to create resolutions…
Stillness Speaks
by Neale Donald Walsch: Must we fully engage the thinking mind in order to perceive words on a page?
Jack Kornfield A Life of Balance: Turn Off The News
By Jack Kornfield: In some form, the vision of the bodhisattva is celebrated in every culture…
Embracing Conscious Evolution and the Awakening of The Social Potential Movement – Barbara Marx Hubbard
by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious evolution is a “mother” meme…
Why I Don’t Set Resolutions – Donna Quesada
by Donna Quesada: Resolutions are too extreme…
Marshall Rosenberg How To Practice Nonviolent Communication
By Marshall Rosenberg: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) includes a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting of four steps:
Cute Weasel Playing With Ginger Cat!
Have you seen something like this outside your pet household life? Aren’t they cute?
How To Enter 2025 With Inner Peace
by Morgan Rose Elliott:Reaching that serene state of mind in this hectic and bustling world nowadays is a real challenge…
Journeying And The Imagination
by Lauren Torres: Imagination is the Translator For the Shamanic Journey…
Forming A Relationship With Your Own Authentic Spirit
by Sonia Choquette: So often, we get trapped in a relationship with ourselves that doesn’t reflect who we truly are…
Saturday Night Fever (Bee Gees, You Should be Dancing) John Travolta
Saturday Night Fever Released 1977 (Bee Gees You Should be Dancing) John Travolta disco dancing…
5 Family-Friendly Healthy Winter Dishes
by Jen Stiff: Not only are these dishes healthy and made with a focus on “lighter” winter options, but your kids can help with all of them…
Self-Love Is The Best Form Of Healing
by Rania Naim: Self-love is the best remedy. It’s the best form of healing…
Find the Balance Between Your Feminine And Masculine Energy
by Lena Schmidt: Everyone has masculine and feminine energies…
Paulo Coelho: A Warrior is Born to Fight and Each Battle is the Last that He is Waging on the Face of the Earth
by Paulo Coelho: I had proposed to publish here, once a year, texts by Carlos Castañeda, an anthropologist who influenced my generation with his tales of meetings with Mexican sorcerers.
How To Find Your Bliss: Joseph Campbell On What It Takes To Have A Fulfilling Life
by Maria Popova: “You have to learn to recognize your own depth.”
Christmas For Mystics – Marianne Williamson
by Marianne Williamson: The holidays are only holy if we make them so…
The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem…
Celine Dion: O Holy Night
Celine Dion singing, “O Holy Night,” from her 1997 album, “These Are Special Times.” Merry Christmas to all my YouTube friends…
Asanas Guide – Align With The Divine – Sadhguru
Sadhguru: Having trouble with your dhanurasana. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the science of asanas,
18 True Christmas Miracles That Will Restore Your Hope For The Holidays
These true stories prove that a well-timed letter, a handful of pennies, or a single gust of wind can make an ordinary Christmas a cherished memory…
Alan Watts Discusses Nothing
Alan Watts discusses nothing..
How Music BenefitsThe Brain
By Deane Alban: Music has played an important part of every human culture, both past and present. People around the world experience universal responses to music…