What is God? – Daya Mata
by Daya Mata: Many questions arise in the minds of those who think about God: What is God? What is the soul? What is Truth?
The Sexual Connection – Margo Anand
Margo Anand: Making the sexual connection work
Weird is the New Normal – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: From the 3-DVD set “Hooked On The Vortex: Creating Your Reality by Creating Your Mood”, new from Abraham-Hicks Publications.
The Key To Effortless Manifestation – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: Excerpted from Episode 3 of the Vortex of Attraction DVD Series, entitled “Effortless Manifestation”.
The 30-Day Better-Feeling Thought Process – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: Excerpted from the DVD “Abraham’s Processes of Creation” from Abraham-Hicks, which features six of Abraham’s most powerful techniques to assist in “getting into The Vortex” and thus in alignment with all that is wanted.
Rabbi Michael Lerner – Occupy the Mind
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D. speaks at the Riverside Church in NYC for the Occupy the Mind: Progressive Moral Agenda for the 21st Century
Rabbi Michael Lerner on CNN
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D. debates the nature of anti-Semitism with Alan Dershowitz.
Rabbi Michael Lerner on World Views
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D. peaks about the struggle between different world views.
RFUSA: Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D., Editor of Tikkun Magazine, shares why he supports religious freedom.
Rabbi Michael Lerner – Keynote Speech – Tikkun’s 25th Anniversary
A talk by Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.
From What Is to What Ought to Be
“I simply cannot understand how somebody can be a spiritual being and not be actively involved in transforming the world,” says Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D..
Bringing God Into It
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.: After the 2004 election, I met with a funder who was interested in supporting projects that could counter the growth of the right.
Banning Guns Is Necessary But Not Sufficient
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.: Some thoughts and a prayer after the latest mass killings, this time of elementary school students:
In Praise of the American People
Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.: Every time right-wing forces in ascendency manage to grab hold of Congress or the presidency,
Save Obama’s presidency by challenging him on the left
by Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.: People who used to say, “Give President Obama more time” when the president was criticized for capitulating to the right,
Carl Rogers Experiences in Communication
by Carl Rogers: In the autumn of 1964, I was invited to be a speaker in a lecture series at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, one of the leading scientific institutions in the world.
Language of The Dying and Fear of Death
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross talks about the language of the dying and fear of Death.
Tsoknyi Rinpoche in Conversation with Sharon Salzberg (Q & A)
Sharon Salzberg participates in the Q&A “Open Heart, Open Mind” taken from the title of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s newly released book.
C.G.Jung Alchemy and How to Predict the Future
C.G.Jung – alchemy and how to predict the future.
Face to face with Carl Jung – Part 2 of 4
An interview with Carl Jung.
Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu hang out on Google+
Spiritual leaders The Dali Lama and Desmond Tutu answer questions at The Inaugural Peace Lecture.
Tony Robbins on Selection and Connection
Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Your ultimate happiness in life depends on your ability to find and connect with another person, and to sustain and grow that relationship over time.
Desmond TutuTruth and Reconciliation
A talk by Desmond Tutu:
Desmond Tutu addresses One Young World
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu addresses the Delegates at the One Young World Opening Ceremony, Old Billingsgate, London