What is God? – Daya Mata


by Daya Mata: Many questions arise in the minds of those who think about God: What is God? What is the soul? What is Truth? 

From What Is to What Ought to Be

Rabbi Michael Lerner-awaken

“I simply cannot understand how somebody can be a spiritual being and not be actively involved in transforming the world,” says Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D..

Bringing God Into It

awaken-Rabbi Michael Lerner

Rabbi Michael Lerner Ph.D.:  After the 2004 election, I met with a funder who was interested in supporting projects that could counter the growth of the right.

Carl Rogers Experiences in Communication


by Carl Rogers: In the autumn of 1964, I was invited to be a speaker in a lecture series at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, one of the leading scientific institutions in the world. 

Tony Robbins on Selection and Connection


Anthony (Tony) Robbins:  Your ultimate happiness in life depends on your ability to find and connect with another person, and to sustain and grow that relationship over time.