Amma, the hugging saint


by Jenny Kleeman: In the sticky monsoon heat of early August in Kerala, I was standing on a stage in front of thousands of people, waiting for my turn to get a hug from a living god Amma.

Everything Under the Sun – Adyashanti


by Adyashanti:  Look around you; there is only one reality. The reason that you are here, wherever here is for you, is because it is the only place that you can be right now.

How God Tells You It’s Time For a Change


by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer:  “Infinite patience produces immediate results…the immediate result of your infinite patience is peace. You retreat in peace and let the universe handle the details.”

Letter to God from Bernie Siegel, MD


by Bernie SiegelM.D.:  Dear God, First I want to thank You for answering my previous letters. When as a doctor I couldn’t understand why 

Albert Einstein, In His Own Words


by National Science Foundation: Albert Einstein is known in popular culture for his famous E = mc2 formula. Scientists know him for revolutionizing physics with his general theory of relativity.

What is Ecstasy?

Margot Anund

by Margot Anand: During the fifties, Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who developed the concept of “peak human potential,” did years of research on what I call “ecstatic states”, and which he called peak experiences.“

Tuning the Human Biofield


by Eileen McKusick: The following is excerpted from Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy, published by Inner Traditions.

Quotes by David Deida


“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer.”

Culture Influences Creativity

culture & creativity

by Rick Nauert PhD: A new study examines if a nation’s culture would influence the expression of creativity or the quality of the new output.