by Bob Marcotte: A “potassium-promoted” catalyst brings the Navy’s quest to power its ships by...
by Bruce Miller: Teachings of the Tree People is a tribute to the life and...
by Anna Stewart: It is commonly thought that creating an eco-friendly home or operating on...
by Raya Bidshahri: To contribute to human progress, it is not enough to be intelligent,...
by Sophie Lewis: It’s impossible to deny — humans are destroying the natural environment at...
by GrrlScientist: When severe weather hits, humans flee or hunker down and hope for the...
by Breanna Draxler: Climate change is the undercurrent that drives and shapes our lives in...
Even after two decades, Linda Koebner was greeted with hugs and smiles by the apes...
By Karen Uhlenhuth: The team hopes to make anaerobic digestion more efficient and profitable for...
by Nicole Faires: When Bernie Krause began recording nature, he didn’t realize he was pioneering...
by Jonathan Gitlin: The study ran for nine years at Norway’s Smøla wind farm… (NASA): Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the...
by Susannah Shmurak: Billions of people lack access to safe drinking water. These new inventions...
by (NASA): Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more...
by Masahiko Inoue: Tokamak. It sounds – and looks – like something from a science...
by Kate Sitarz: America’s National Park Service runs more than 405 sites, including national seashores,...
Jane Goodall hasn’t found the missing link, but she’s come closer than nearly anyone else....
Julie Jacobson: Imagine a world where every home is powered by the sun…
...Primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall joins Bill Maher to discuss endangered species...
by Ephrat Livini: The tonic of the wilderness was Henry David Thoreau’s classic prescription for...
by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: The UN population forecast predicts that by 2050 there will be...
by Swansea University: New research has revealed when it comes to flying the largest of...
by Nicole Horseherder: I’m Diné and live on Black Mesa in the Navajo Nation. Traditionally,...