Articles for: Featured

by John Blake: William Peters was working as a volunteer in a hospice when he...

by New Idea: An interview with inspirational writer Paulo Coelho,


Sharon Salzberg explains how to practice basic breath meditation…


by Azreal Rashel: The mainstream view of an enjoyable life is often steeped in materialism…


Virginia Satir was one of the pioneers of family therapy. She was also a major...

by Tara Brach: Tara Brach Discusses Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice (02/03/2016)


by Michael Balson: Q. Why do we exist?


by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD: Yesterday I was going through some boxes in my garage...

Eckhart Tolle’s profound yet simple teachings reveal a path to inner peace, purpose and love.


by Tara Brach: When I was in college, I went off to the mountains for...

by Olivia Muenter: These soothing words will bring comfort and inner peace to your heart…


by David Amsden: A guru named Amma has drawn 40 million people into her embrace...

by Claire B. Willis: In this excerpt from their book, Opening to Grief, Claire B....

David Welch: Before we begin, I just wanted to let the Awaken community know how...

by Matthieu Ricard: What is happiness, and how can we achieve it?


by Deepak Chopra: Now is a good time to change your definition of a healthy...

by Gabby Bernstein: Have you been struggling with self-confidence or maybe even feeling unworthy? You’re...

New World Library cofounder and bestselling author Shakti Gawain talks about New World Library’s 35-years...

by Pema Chödrön: Like a raven in the wind…


Milarepa was a Tibetan master, yogi, and poet who led an inspiring life of spiritual...

Awaken: David, I want to first thank you for so generously agreeing to spend this...

by Chad Foreman: There is an advanced spiritual practice within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition known...

by Tami Simon: You’re listening to Insights at the Edge. Today, my guest is Sharon...

by Jack Canfield: If you’re familiar with my work, you know I’m a huge believer...