Articles for: Featured

by Sonia Mehta: Nirvana, according to Buddhism, is the state in which the mind is...

by Erin Eerly: Have your spiritual beliefs and practices become stale?


by Gary Zukav: Many people are speaking now and frequently about fear


by Stephanie Kaza: Environmentalist Stephanie Kaza invites us to consider how Buddhist principles can help...

by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: There are three reasons why no one can die alone. Besides an...

by David Ian Miller: Tantra has intrigued Westerners since the 1960s,..


Donna Quesada: I’m on board, but I want to flesh out these questions that I’ve...

Donna Quesada: Let’s get into the thick of it. For those that don’t know what...

by Shakti Gawain: Here are some techniques that can be very effective for healing ourselves...

by Daya Mata: When I was meditating recently, such a powerful inspiration came into my...

by Esther and Jerry Hicks: A question for Abraham: My work is an adventure, and...

Donna Quesada: Well, firstly, good morning John! And from all of us at Awaken, we...

During a conversation with Angella Nazarian on what it means to be a visionary and...

by Kahlil Girbran: Your children are not your children.


by Sonia Choquette: How to Create Opportunity from Unfortunate Circumstances…


The overview effect is a transcendental, euphoric feeling of universal connection reported by some astronauts...

by Mark Unno: It’s an expression of oneness — with the Buddha, with the sangha,...

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say the women’s liberation movement is one...

by Sebene Selassie: Granting ourselves permission to feel can help us find acceptance…


Donna Quesada: I love that. You bring up the notion of reincarnation, which is so...

Donna Quesada: How did you come to this path, Lama Palden? As a Tibetan, you...

Donna Quesada: Hi! First of all, how do I address you? Is it just Lama...

by Tricycle: His Holiness spoke in honor of the Tibetan festival Chotrul Duchen…


by Adyashanti: The Way of Liberation is a stripped-down, practical guide to spiritual liberation, sometimes...