by Daniel Davis: The human body has 37 trillion cells. If we can work out...
Physical pain is unavoidable, but meditation practice can ease the mental suffering that often accompanies...
by Richard Joseph, MD: When trying intermittent fasting, both the quantity and quality of what...
by Joana Cavaco: Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell. This can be useful...
by Krysten Peck: Moments of crisis can trigger fight-or-flight responses for even the most mindful...
by Ora Nadrich: If you’re feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep up with our daily...
by Ocean Robbins: Thousands of years ago, early cooks tossed grains and veggies into the...
by Laura Buckler: If you’re attempting to become fitter, you’re probably wondering about the approach...
by Nick Polizzi: We’re well into spring up here in the Northern Hemisphere and it...
byHimanshu Joshi: Position : Standing Type : Grounding Spiritual Awareness : Manipura Arkya Dey: In life, we often address physical ailments such as common cold, cough...
by Emily Ziedman: Contrary to what the billion-dollar skin care industry would have you believe… Patricia Adams Farmer: The first step on a spiritual path today is a return...
by Kat Smith: Arnold Schwarzenegger had a plant-based feast courtesy of vegan chef and Good...
Posture and Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose and place the hands in Prayer Pose (palms...
by Danielle Hildreth: Ab rollers (aka exercise wheels) are a great addition to any workout...
by Clint Rainey: In Midtown Manhattan, on the ground floor of an office building, there’s...
by Robert Proctor: Voluntary family planning is too often ignored as a means to lower...
by Keri Mangis: Try this yin yoga sequence to cool down hot emotions before reacting...
by Rachel Nuwer: Millennials and older adults lead the surge while Gen Z stays on...
by Adam Hadhazy: The crash of ocean waves, the babbling of brooks, the pitter-patter of...
by Ocean Robbins : “Why are these people pooping so much?”