Articles for: Health & Wellness

Tea tree oil – some people swear by its medicinal benefits while others have never...

Here are some articles by Ken Wilber, which differentiates and clarifies the Witness (a.k.a. Thusness’s...

On March 23rd, 2013, twenty-four scientific study participants were injected with a dead strain of...

by Joe Martino: When the topic of child birth comes up we might first think...

by Donna Quesada: The Tools – Kundalini Yoga is the science of awakening the life...

Albert Schweitzer was already famous as a musician and author when, at 30, he gave...

by Michele Rosenthal: Be healthier through one simple choice every day: be optimistic


by Charles G. Siemers: We are going to take the theme of Wholeness & meander...

Some yoga poses seem simple and passive at first sight. Yet getting them right is...

by Dr. Mark Hyman: “Can I get all the nutrients I need from food?” a...

by Brian VanHooker: What do these 9 people know about living longer that we should...

David Welch: One last question. How do we get society to recognize, embrace and incorporate...

The thought of chowing down on protein might conjure images of grunting muscleheads and buckets...

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can actually be classified as a...

David Welch: Can you share a little bit about yourself and what you’ve been going...

by Jamie McKillop: There’s a new type of tea showing up at your health food...

by Donna Quesada: No need for Patience–


Your brain isn’t a muscle, but you can treat it like one. Many people focus...

by Gregg Prescott: I’ve been researching Melatonin and how it is secreted from the pineal...

by Katie Morton: This post is based on the book titled 10 Secrets of Extraordinary...

by Sarah Williams: You may have heard of maca root as nature’s form of Viagra…


by Emily Regan: What is Shavasana?


by Jim Robbins: San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater...

by Nina Müller: Dr. Jeffery A. Martin, founder and director of the Transformative Technology community,
