Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Peter Diamandis: The world is getting better on many critical and measurable fronts.


by Donna Quesada: What follows is an excerpt from a book that I have been...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: As discussed in last week’s blog, the invisible world of energy...

My Marcel Schwantes: How cool is science? Now you can set yourself up every morning...

by Susan Cain: Ours is a loud culture of nonstop personal sharing, endless chatter, and...

Trataka is a meditation technique that uses the sense of sight to still the mind…


by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: During one of my early visits to Peru, while hiking in...

by Deepak Chopra: A conversation with the Longevity Innovator and personal transformation icon…


by Dalai Lama: Scientific predictions of environmental change are difficult for ordinary human beings to...

by Oli Gross: The rapid rise of plant based milk had a huge impact on...

by Ocean Robbins: The modern industrialized world is practically drowning in waste. We’re turning natural...

by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi: Millions of people have become more conscious...

Donna Quesada: Exactly. And so, this brings me to another question that we like to...

Caroline Myss: Divine Guidance: Your current spiritual practice might occur within the framework of an...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of...

by Sadhguru: What is devotion and how can we practice bhakti yoga? Sadhguru explains how...

by Kristi Nelson: Gratefulness not only changes your life, but also extends beyond your intimate...

Hauser and Caroline Campbell performing Czardas (Csárdás) by Vittorio Monti…


Donna Quesada: Interesting, so the default, or “factory setting”is toward the negative, fearful emotions…


by Richard Feloni: Tony Robbins guided us through his morning routine, and that included a...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Thoughts are different from ideas:


by Sarah Berry: This is not what I’m expecting…


by Helen James: Misalignments in the body compromise the architectural integrity…


by John Fialka: A facility off the coast of Oregon is being constructed to test...