by Sophie Egan: Experts agree that we are eating too much sugar, which is contributing...
Research has shown repeatedly that cruciferous vegetables fight cancer… Ocean Robbins: There may be no other nutrition topic as heavily debated in recent...
by Donna Quesada: Among the Yogis of old, there is a tradition of renunciation…
...By Deepak Chopra: The co-founder of the Chopra Foundation and author of Super Brain shows...
by Tara Springett: My own Kundalini awakened at the age of twenty four during three...
by Silvia Mordini: From an early age, I remember being diligent about following the rules….(Don...
by Dr. Andrew Weil: In my experience, the more people have, the less likely they...
by Dr. Sanjay Gupta: For the past two months, I have been a changed man....
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: Here’s a quote I love from 18thcentury mystical poet, William...
by Eckhart Tolle: There’s a particular dimension where creativity arises. It’s a little bit like...
by Mollie Player: Read her online serial, My Byron Katie Detox: One Year of Questioning...
by Peter Diamandis: We are on the cusp of an energy revolution.
...This video captures the meeting of many unknown saints and yogis of the highest spritual...
Inspiring words from Swami Sivananda. Find your center, realise your immortal self here and now...
In the book The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz offers the suggestion, “Be Impeccable with...
by JC Peters: Did you know that you really can smell fear? I once presented...
David Deida: I finally got the message in his book “The Way of the Superior...
“Love doesn’t rule you. What rules you is fear, phenomenal fear. Through this kriya, love...
Our changing relationship to masculine and feminine archetypes An Interview With Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.,...
Immunity is so important to live a long healthy life, we can say without immunity...
Although some of the data in this post is dated it still has pertinent information...
by Traci Pedersen: Many people are increasingly turning to acupuncture…