Articles for: Love

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his immense contribution to...

Excellence Reporter: Leonard, what is the meaning of life?


by Anthony (Tony) Robbins: One of the best ways to become aware of the astonishing...

by Shakti Gawain: Here are some techniques that can be very effective for healing ourselves...

by Shakti Gawain: One of the first things you should do when you start using...

By Shakti Gawain: Here is an exercise in the basic technique of creative Visualization: First,...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Once you transition to the dream of love that is unconditional,...

by Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at the auditorium of the University of Bologna, Italy, on June...

by Daisaku Ikeda: On March 23, 2007, the University of Palermo in Sicily, Italy, presented...

by Daisaku Ikeda: A lecture delivered at the East-West Center, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995


By Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, October 21,...

by Sandra Ingerman – A Message of Encouragement. I know there many people who are...

by Francesca F: How to Deepen Our Relationships…


by Byron Katie: Who is The Work for? It’s for everyone who wants to end...

I’ve been reading some of David Deida’s work again. When I encountered him initially, I...

by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...

Question : How should a beginner start this practice? Ramana Maharshi: The mind will subside...

What inspired you to write about relationships?


We’ve all been there at one time or another. Something is…just a bit off in...

by Jonathan Robinson: I have a question for you: for $500 could you make your...

by Ram Dass: This is the path of love. The path of the heart…


by Marianne Williamson: And what will love now say?


by Bell Hooks, Sharon Salzberg, Melvin McCleod: How do we bring more love into our...

by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Divine love manifests in eleven different types. Though divine...