by Rachel Aviv: Several years ago Kabir Helminski, a sheikh of the Mevlevi Order of...
David Deida: I finally got the message in his book “The Way of the Superior...
At the age of 81, with over 500,000 books in print, Marion Woodman is a...
by Anthony (Tony) Robbins: One of the greatest gifts you can give your partner on...
By Margot Anand: Loving yourself, doesn’t mean indulging yourself in frequent solitary sexual activity or...
by Brendan Miller: What actually happens at a Tantra workshop? Level 1 Immersion Be Fully...
Historian and former nun Karen Armstrong says the afterlife is a “red herring,” hating religion...
Karen Armstrong: A decade after 9/11, the West seems more bitterly divided from the Muslim...
Marianne Williamson, I understand your work is based on the ideas in a self study...
by healinglifestyles: Gabrielle Bernstein is making her mark as the next generation guru, motivational speaker,...
by Alex Allman: The challenge for so many loving and committed couples is in keeping...
This last volume in Pierre Teilhard‘s collected works contains two previously unavailable essays of key...
by Ursula King: [Teilhard’s] vision of love is a spirituality that celebrates the oneness of...
by H. James Birx, Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 1997: Are science and theology reconcilable in...
by Osho: Yoga is not a religion-remember that. Yoga is not Hindu, it is not...
by Paramahansa Yogananda: By the power of concentration, you can use the untold power of...
by Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi: A friend in Seattle once sent us a copy of...
by Tony Robbins: Love. Everyone needs it. Family and friends are one form of love,...
This is an excerpt form Arjuna Ardagh‘s book “Better Than Sex: The Ecstatic Art of...
Everyone messes up. Me, you, the neighbors, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, King David, the Buddha,...
Question : Often you have spoken about your rebellious childhood and how it gave you...
Question : Is samadhi the same as turiya, the fourth state? Ramana Maharshi: Samadhi, turiya...
Question : How is realization made possible? Ramana Maharshi: There is an absolute Self from...
Question : For controlling the mind, which of the two is better, performing japa of...