Articles for: Love

3/17/11 by Jason Wachob:  Sharon Salzberg is one of the leading insight meditation teachers in the world.


by Gary Zukav: The hardest times to choose love are the very times when you...

Tricycle: In Europe we haven’t had the experience that you have had in America of teachers...

Giving up, giving in, just plain giving—Sharon Salzberg says that’s the truly transformative experience.


by Sharon Salzberg: I have traveled around this country on book tours fully five times...

There’s only one way to save your sanity in this speeded-up, lunatic world. Patience, says...

Learn to rejoice in the good fortune of others and your own happiness multiplies –...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Given the state of the world today it’d be totally understandable...

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his immense contribution to the...

Excellence Reporter: Leonard, what is the meaning of life?


by Anthony (Tony) Robbins:  One of the best ways to become aware of the astonishing diversity...

by Shakti Gawain: Here are some techniques that can be very effective for healing ourselves...

by Shakti Gawain: One of the first things you should do when you start using...

By Shakti Gawain: Here is an exercise in the basic technique of creative Visualization: First, think...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Once you transition to the dream of love that is unconditional, you...

by Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at the auditorium of the University of Bologna, Italy, on June 1, 1994


by Daisaku Ikeda: On March 23, 2007, the University of Palermo in Sicily, Italy, presented Daisaku...

by Daisaku Ikeda: A lecture delivered at the East-West Center, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995


By Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, October 21, 1997


by Sandra Ingerman – A Message of Encouragement. I know there many people who are...

by Francesca F: How to Deepen Our Relationships…


by Byron Katie: Who is The Work for? It’s for everyone who wants to end their own suffering...

I’ve been reading some of David Deida’s work again. When I encountered him initially, I...

by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...