Articles for: MIND

Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh: At the beginning of the seven-day English-language retreat in...

Thich Nhat Hanh: This is an excerpt of a talk at the Sandy Beach Hotel...

by Thich Nhat Hanh: With great understanding, you are no longer afraid of being born,...

The secret of life for love, trust, relationships and other topics. An excerpt from a...

Sri Sri Ravi shankar: According to the standard model, Higgs Boson is responsible for giving...

by Sri Sri Ravishankar: Terrorists are cowards. Whenever terror has struck in any part of...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I see a crisis facing the world today. It is...

by Sri Sri Ravishankar: Only an education that can nourish inbuilt virtues can impart true...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Development is imperative, but a short-sighted approach is often the...

by Sri Sri Ravishankar: It was a misty morning as the sun tried to shine...

By Sri Sri Ravishankar: Why Lord Krishna’s life and message make him the father of...

Sri Sri Ravishankar: Segregating knowledge only fans the fire of fanaticism. The biggest indoor stadium...

Richard Bandler: This is an excerpt from “Healing ADD” by Thom Hartmann.


by Sophia Smith: Oftentimes, people think that creative work cannot create financial stability,


Richard Bandler: Gina: You recently mentioned in London that you had explored the methods of...

GEORGE ADAMS:Despite his disavowal of the ‘transpersonalist’ label, Ken Wilber remains the leading figure in...

Ken Wilber needs little introduction. A genius recognized in his own time, this prolific author...

by Gary Zukav: “There are many types of bread,” Tony said with a flourish of...

by Gary Zukav: Many people think that guilt is a natural experience. It is a...

by Nicole Pugh: For years, best selling author and philosopher Gary Zukav (The Dancing Wu...

by Gary Zukav: Buckminster Fuller said, “Love is metaphysical gravity.” I agree.


by Gary Zukav: Everyone wants to learn the same thing from painful situations: how to...

by Don Miguel Ruiz: I invite you to participate in a new dream for humanity,...

by Don Miguel Ruiz: Many people go to work every day just thinking of payday,...