Articles for: Psychology

by Matt Christensen: Resentment is sneaky. The sooner you realize you might be feeling it,...

As a spiritual seeker, you will probably be aware of the expression the True Self…


by Jeffrey Mishlove PHD: Hello and welcome…


Does having close friends boost your self-esteem, or does having high self-esteem influence the quality...

by Judson Brewer: Curiosity is a helpful tool for engaging with our embodied experience, including...

by Eric S Burdon: De-escalate problems through emotional intelligence…


by Psilo707: Introduction- Over half a year had passed since I had used any psychedelic...

by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: Three and a half months ago, the biggest four-day workweek trial...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The universe is complete and perfect. There can be no...

by Jasmine Bilali: Feeling averse to meditation? One of these seven reasons may be the...

by Alberto Villoldo: In the Himalayas, there are explorers of the realm between sleeping and...

The Essence Of Vedanta, Part 12: The previous article in this series explored the nature...

The first step to liberation is ensuring that you have an appropriately qualified mind…


by Rory Mackay: The word ‘Vedanta’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Veda’ and ‘anta’,...

by Katie Stone: It’s well-known that a psychedelic journey can be a mind-changing experience. But...

The Parameters Of Vinyasa Yoga…


by Swami Karma Karuna: Whether consciously or unconsciously, the way we gesture or carry ourselves…


by Brigid Delaney: Brigid Delaney has been immersed in Stoicism since 2018 – and has...

by Shon Faye: To launch our new Future of Sex series, author Shon Faye examines...

by Rochelle Bourgault: Intuition can become mute, stifled, or drowned out when we find ourselves...

by Aletheia: As mind-oriented beings, it can be so easy for us to get caught...

As a male growing up in modern western culture, I’ve been encouraged all my life...

by Pragito Dove: First, be one with yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.


Quotes accompanied by images & video footage of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi the ‘Sage of...