Articles for: Sex

Did you know that having sex regularly is good for you? In this article we...

by Randi Hutter Epstein: Expert tips on making things even hotter in your 50s, 60s,...

By Ali Drucker: A breakdown on the calories you burn and other physical health benefits...

by Jivan Joti Kaur: In the West, spirituality and sexuality have not traditionally been seen...

by Zoë Kors: Throughout my years of working with women, there is a conversation that...

How can you have sex when you’re quarantined during the coronavirus outbreak and do it...

Design A Life of Deep Connection and Intimacy…


by Erin Magner: Kate Hudson, Alicia Keys, and Amanda Chantal Bacon are radiant proof of...

by Carolyn Gregoire: Rhythm holds the key to good sex, a study suggests…


by Via Zoë Kors: We want intimacy and avoid sex. Or we fear intimacy and...

by Beth Levine: When I started asking various long-term couples what they do to keep...

by Zahra Barnes: As many enterprising people with clitorises know, there are various things you...

by Elliot D. Cohen Ph.D: Find out what making love really is and how you...

by Kelly Marceau: Let’s get one thing straight. Women LOVE sex. So, if you ever...

David Deida: What does it take to create a lasting sexual attraction between a man...

by Jane Chalmers: Science has you covered…


by Robin Lloyd: Go ahead. Kiss the girl. And you might make it a wet...

by Chemory Gunko: When the proverbial hits the fan, it’s easy to let go of...

by Sheril Kirshenbaum: As new anthropological research shows the different ways we express love, Sheril...

David Deida is best known for “bringing sexy back” to contemporary spirituality, and now in...

by Tony Robbins: When you think of all the relationships in your life, it’s easy...

Mention the word sex and eyes widen and ears perk up…


by Monika Carless: “Your openness draws your man into you more deeply, and you feel...

by Kelsey Borresen: Contrary to popular belief, having sex on the daily doesn’t necessarily make...