Articles for: Videos

Donna Quesada talks about Ch’i, our hidden source of power reserves, and how to recharge...

On March 23rd, 2013, twenty-four scientific study participants were injected with a dead strain of...

by Joe Martino: When the topic of child birth comes up we might first think...

A spectacular crop circle appeared at Badbury Rings near Wimborne Minster, Dorset, UK on June...

A morning ritual is one of the most empowering ways to change every area of...

Donna Quesada: it also answers my previous question about how self-inquiry and meditation go hand...

by Matthew Jacobs: “Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru” premieres July 15…


by Deepak Chopra: In a competitive society, success is all but impossible without taking risks.


Donna Quesada: He went through such jealousy and contempt from his brothers. And yet, remaining...

The thought of chowing down on protein might conjure images of grunting muscleheads and buckets...

Donna Quesada: Hello and welcome to Awaken.


by Donna Quesada: Following her talk on dropping thoughts and spaciousness in meditation, in this...

Ram Dass probes deeply into the nature of helping relationships. He suggests that when we...

by Lauren Williams: Namaste is a sanskrit word used as a respectful greeting…


Adyashanti: This interview is featured in the 3DVD set “Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.2”.


by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: “Infinite patience produces immediate results…the immediate result of your infinite...

Donna Quesada explains the role of spaciousness in meditation,


A small collection of video clips from the life of the late Sufi Master, Pir...

by Sayer Ji: From slowing the decline in fatal brain disease, to generating a sense...

by Donna Eden: This is a quick and easy routine that you can do in...

For more than 50 years Joan Baez has been an icon of the folk-music revolution...

25th Anniversary Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Concrt Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound...

The Enlightenment teachings of Leonard Jacobson


by Joe Martino: When we think of cars we think of gasoline, steel, pollution, etc....