Articles for: Spirit Videos

by Rupert Spira: A woman asks if discovering her true nature will help her during...

In 1909, Sri Aurobindo gave his last and most famous political speech before leaving for...

The quotes were taken from the 20th century masterwork called “The Foundations of Indian Culture”,...

Swami Sivananda filmed in Rishikesh, India 1887-1963. Film by the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh,...

Sri Swami Sivananda explains Atma is not born nor does he ever die. He is...

Sri Swami Sivananda gives a divine message for all.


Devotional compilation film of an incredibly uplifting and empowering speech given by H. H. Sri...

In this video excerpt, Yoga Master Swami Satchidananda explains the difference between selfish and selfless...

During a satsang at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, Yoga Master Swami Satchidananda answers a question about how...

Yoga master Swami Satchidananda explains how running after things only leads to greater levels of...

In this video clip, Yoga Master Swami Satchidananda speaks about the essence of religion.


Timothy Leary gets sand bagged by a talk show host who then surprises with a...

“A Woman’s Journey to Enlightenment” at Vajra Dakini Nunnery. Through the life of Yeshe Tsogyal,...

A prayer of Dakini Yeshe Tsogyel.


by Donna Quesada: Of all the meditation retreats and spiritual workshops I’ve done in my...

Yogi Bhajan speaks about his mission to educate and elevate through his spiritual teachings.


In this talk, the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) talks about meditation as a tool...

Virginia Satir was one of the pioneers of family therapy. She was also a major...

This is a Socrates lecture on the portico to the Platonic corpus. It is also...

This video explores the life and lessons of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates and how...

In this lecture the Socratic problem is investigated, which is whether we can arrive at...

From 1955, this classic Bengali movie shows Sri Ramakrishna’s innocent and pure devotion to the...

Quotes and pictures of Sri Sri Sarada Devi.


Part II of the documentary on Jayrambati, the birth place of Holy Mother Sri Sarada...