Articles for: Spirit Videos

by Bernie Siegel M.D.: has touched many lives over many years. He reached national and...

Zazen and Dharma Talk with Bob Thurman and Roshi Joan Halifax…


So many of us struggle with how to let go, but letting go is actually...

Arjuna Ardagh: Living Radical Brilliance is not only a matter of getting coached, adopting practices...

In reality under the surface, you are all the actor marvelously skilled in playing many...

by Leonard Jacobson: During his opening talk, Leonard describes who we are in truth and...

Alan Watts discusses the famous psychologist and mind-explorer Carl Jung…


Yamada Mumon Roshi filmed in 1977 in his temple in Kobe : an interview of...

by Ramdesh Kaur: This series is dedicated to sharing the knowledge contained in “The Aquarian...

Jonathan Robinson: Mhmm. You know in a previous Awareness Explorers episode we talked about the...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: A small group of women had gathered to listen to Barbara...

What are holotropics states of conciousness…


by Gabby Bernstein: One of the reasons I became a motivational speaker was to gather...

Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery…


Death and Dying is the subject of a new 18-hour on-line video workshop series featuring...

by Sonia Choquette: Most people agree that forgiveness is one of the most empowering and...

Jonathan Robinson: For new listeners, Awareness Explorers is dedicated to exploring ideas and methods for...

Jim Carrey along with Greg Braden and David Wilcock explain what it means to be...

by Dan Millman: Dan Millman is author of the spiritual classic, Way of the Peaceful...

Sharon Salzberg from the ‘Wisdom of Awareness’ Retreat with Sogyal Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche, talks...

by Barbara Max Hubbard: Please visit to see Barbara’s upcoming courses and events…


by Donna Quesada: YOGA; Nadis, Chakras, Prana & Kundalini (Why Raise the Kundalini?)


‘Don’t change your life – Change your vibes’ is the foundation of Sonia Choquette’s work....

by Tara Brach: When we really listen to another, they sense a space where they...