by Derek Beres: The famed author headed to the pond thanks to Indian philosophy…
...If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur Boorman...
by Chip Richards: We need to take those very qualities that we’re learning in the...
Excerpts from a lecture by Yogi Bhajan: , Summer Solstice, June 25, 1987… Arkya Dey: In life, we often address physical ailments such as common cold, cough...
A film, from 2003, depicting the peaceful atmosphere of the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
...The quotes are from Ramana Maharshi teachings taken from the book Day by Day with...
The Age of Patanjali, the Father of Yoga, has just started. During the Golden Age,...
Patanjali was the author of the original “Yoga Sutras” over 2 thousand years ago. Patanjali...
Patanjali International Yoga Foundation (PIYFT) was establish in Haridwar by Dr Jitendra Das and has...
Demystifying Patanjali (Talk 1), by Nayaswami Asha, on March 19, 2013 at Ananda Temple in...
This biography, exquisitely illustrated in the Indian miniature-painting tradition, tells the story of Guru Nanak’s...
In 1909, Sri Aurobindo gave his last and most famous political speech before leaving for...
The quotes were taken from the 20th century masterwork called “The Foundations of Indian Culture”,...
Swami Sivananda filmed in Rishikesh, India 1887-1963. Film by the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh,...
Devotional compilation film of an incredibly uplifting and empowering speech given by H. H. Sri...
During a satsang at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, Yoga Master Swami Satchidananda answers a question about how...
Yoga master Swami Satchidananda explains how running after things only leads to greater levels of...
Yogi Bhajan speaks about his mission to educate and elevate through his spiritual teachings.
...In this talk, the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) talks about meditation as a tool...
In an interview, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is asked whether he has divine powers.
...Maharishi Mahesh Yogi responds to the question, what is true genius.
...A brief story of the life of Sri Krishna Patthabi Jois.
...Practitioners Chuck Miller, Gary Lapodota, Clifford Sweatte and Tim Miller practice Ashtanga Yoga with Sri...