Awaken Body - Health & Wellness

  by Donna Quesada: The guided prayer featured in this video, For the Animals, is...

by Randi Hutter Epstein: Expert tips on making things even hotter in your 50s, 60s,...

by Marco Antonio: Some spiritual communities recognize seven chakras…


by Joaquín: The history and origins of mindfulness…


by Hilary Thompson: Pets are adorable, fun, and most importantly, they never pass judgment on...

Guided Meditation Video for Children and their Parents


by Steve Ayan: You probably do not understand yourself as well as you think you...

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes…


by Sam Langley: Human beings are industrious creatures. “How are you? Busy? That’s good…”


by Alan Lightman: In 2016, the Harvard biologist emeritus and naturalist E.O. Wilson (TED Talk:...

Dr. Christiane Northrup: Having spent the last 30 years assisting women in healing themselves on...

The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit — and means vortex, spinning wheel or circle. Chakras...