Awaken Mind - Philosophy

Donna Quesada: You know, it’s funny you should bring up the word awakening. Because I...

Donna Quesada: Well then, if you don’t mind, I’ll get right into it. I was...

In this video Dr. Jeffery Martin shares what our scientific research with over 1,000 people...

by Jordan Gray: Let’s face it… we all love taking short cuts. And, if we aren’t...

Rabbi Rami Shapiro: All of this back story may be, you know, the Divine Mother...

In this part, Dr. Hawkins talks about his “Map of Consciousness,” as presented in his...

The late Earl Nightingale, had some definitions called, “The Greatest Things.” 


by Earl Nightingale: Have you ever wondered what the measure of a real man is?  


Donna Quesada for Awaken: Firstly, it is with a deep bow that I thank you...

by Ram Dass: The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the...

The times of Charles Darwin, one hundred and fifty years ago, and the beginnings of...

David Welch: This Awaken interview is with Sarah Finger, the wife and partner of the...