Awaken Mind - Psychology

It’s not easy to find the time to practice yoga on a consistent basis…


by Jessica Minah: Last week, I visited the webpage of a coaching school someone I...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The secret of happiness from St. Francis of Assisi…


by Roshi Joan Halifax: At a Mind and Life Institute conference on neuroscience and compassion...

Did you know that people who meditate for a short time each day are much...

by Lauren Capp: Music is healing. It brings people together from different parts of the...

The past few years have been marked by two major trends in the science of...

by Arjun Walia: It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that...

by Jivan Joti Kaur: In the West, spirituality and sexuality have not traditionally been seen...

by Rachelle Williams: You hear people talking about meditation and how their lives have improved…


by Judson Brewer: Habits are formed and strengthened as we journey through a continuous loop...

What is love? It is a question sure to elicit a great many responses…
