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6 Powerful Tips For A Consistent Yoga Practice

It’s not easy to find the time to practice yoga on a consistent basis…


When there’s work to be done, dinner to be made or laundry to be washed, it’s all too easy to place our home yoga practice on the back burner. But the thing is, we all know how amazing it feels when we make time to practice yoga on a regular basis. For many, the total mind-body-soul rejuvenation is even transformational.

So the question becomes: how can we cultivate a consistent yoga practice? It’s not as difficult as you might think.

Follow these 6 concrete action steps to stay motivated in your daily yoga practice:

1. Make Your Practice A Priority

One of the first excuses we tend to make when we don’t keep up with our practice is that we don’t have the time. Sure, we’re all busy. But it’s always possible to find a little bit of time for the things that matter most to us.

What if you woke up just twenty minutes earlier to fit in sun salutations and a five-minute meditation? Or perhaps limiting time on social media would provide the space in our schedule needed to hit the mat. It’s not easy, but if we make our practice a priority, it will help to eliminate the excuse that we’re “too busy.” 

Remember, your health is one of the most important things in life. Taking care of your mind, body and spirit will make you better at your work, in your relationships, and in your life. Yoga is one of the best ways to nourish every aspect of your well-being. Make it the priority it deserves to be.

2. Schedule It In—And Then Commit

If you make yoga a part of your daily routine, then it will be much easier to stay consistent on a regular basis. Write it down in your schedule—and then commit to showing up.

It will take practice to commit to waking up at 6:00am to hit your mat first thing in the morning, but with dedication, your home yoga practice will become as regular as taking a shower or making dinner.

3. Let Go Of Attachment

This is a huge place where many people (including myself) block ourselves from a consistent practice. We have this idea of what our yoga practice should look like. Maybe it’s an hour and a half vinyasa flow or a meditation practice with zero distractions. Whatever it might be, when we don’t achieve this ‘ideal’ yoga practice, we beat ourselves up. We get angry or upset, and as a result, we lose sight of the reason we began practicing yoga in the first place.

We have this idea of what our yoga practice should look like. Maybe it’s an hour and a half vinyasa flow or a meditation practice with zero distractions. Whatever it might be, when we don’t achieve this “ideal” yoga practice, we beat ourselves up. We get angry or upset, and as a result, we lose sight of the reason we began practicing yoga in the first place.

Let go of attachment to your yoga practice. Stop worrying about what the perfect practice looks like, and start showing up on your mat ready for surprises. If one day you only have time for a fifteen-minute practice, that’s okay. Embrace your practice each and every day, and be grateful for the journey that it takes you on.

4. Find Your Yoga

Do you find that you simply cannot motivate yourself to do a strenuous Ashtanga yoga practice no matter how hard you try to enjoy it? Or maybe it’s the restorative classes that ignite a feeling of dread deep in your stomach.

While it is important to try new classes and test your limits, do not force your body into a yoga practice that is not right for you. There is no right or wrong way to do yoga. Experiment until you find the yoga that makes you feel amazing AND gets you excited to hit the mat each and every day.

5. Be Part Of A Community

No matter what it is in life, it is always harder to do something alone than with a community of like-minded people who can support you and build you up when you need it most.

If you are practicing yoga at home, this is especially important. The 13 moons Yoga Community is a fantastic place to find other people who are at the same point in their yoga journey as you are. On those days when you feel discouraged or lost, use your yoga community to keep you on track and consistent.

Awaken Health & Wellness

Awaken Spirit

Awaken Yoga

Source: AWAKEN


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