Awaken Body - Sex

Making love is the ultimate form of expression in a relationship…


No more ‘Not tonight, dear’ – there are a load of good health reasons to...

by David Deida: For the Masculine, death and sex are inextricably interwoven; that is, good...

by Marc Angelo Coppola: Originally the Taoist sexual exercises were known as “Kung Fu.”


by Falan Storm: Sex is meant to be sacred, I believe…


by Jade Small: Tantra is one of the modern sexual buzzwords that many people are...

by Margot Anand: Many people mistakenly believe that Tantra is a spiritual bastardization of sexual...

by Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross: I fully understand that teaching is repetition. So again...

by Dr. Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman M.A.: We recently received a question from one...

By Kelly Marceau: “If you want to be the kind of lover women never forget,...

“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back,...

by Andy Charrington: What makes great sex?
