Articles for: spiritual

by Dr. Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman M.A.: We recently received a question from one...

by Donna Quesada: When I was growing up, it seemed everyone was impressed with those...

Hemmed in Hollow Falls near Compton, Arkansas


David Welch: If you were going to attempt to describe God, what would you say?


by Jaime Leal Anaya: Interconnectedness between human beings is most clearly seen today in the...

by Josh Richardson: More than 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique...

This is an old post, but still pertinent, about how in the media, we are...

By Karl Romain: Your brain on meditation: calm, clear and confident…


by Kino MacGregor: Confrontation is a grey zone on the spiritual path. Should you fight...

by Dr. Christiane Northrup : There’s a paradigm shift going on in medicine as new...

All superpowers are hyperbole of human character traits. They’d have to be, since humans are...

Nietzsche said God is dead, but here are seven fascinating and provocative philosophical arguments for...

Qi, or chi, is the subtle force in which all of us “live and move...

by Brandon Gilbert: Taoism is an ancient system of looking at the world that can...

by Gabby Bernstein: Happy New Year everyone!


by Sara Brigz: “I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious evolution is a “mother” meme…


By Dean Radin, Phd: In order to attain any of the 28 siddhis you must...

by Alberto Villoldo PhD: We are living in exceptional times—the first time our humanity has...

by Amber Tucker: Welcome a the season, even during the holiday rush, by taking time...

by Melanie Xulu: It’s that time of year again! People won’t stop banging on about...

“Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope – a slight change, and all patterns alter.” “Any...